Illiteracy may be considered more as an abstract concept than a condition. When a famous English writer used the (1) over two hundred years ago, he was actually (2) to people who could (3) read Greek or Latin. (4) ,it seems unlikely that university examiners had this sort of (5) in mind when they reported on "creeping illiteracy" in a report on their students’ final examination in 1988. (6) the years, university lecturers have been (7) of an increasing tendency towards grammatical sloppiness, poor spelling and general imprecision (8) their students’ ways of writing; and sloppy writing is all (9) often a reflection of sloppy thinking. Their (10) was that they had (11) to do teaching their own subject (12) teaching their undergraduates to write. Some lecturers believe that they have a (n) (13) to stress the importance of maintaining standards of
A. about
B. around
C. with
D. in
It’s been a hundred years since the
last big one in California, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which helped give
birth to modem earthquake science. A century later, we have a highly successful
theory, called plate tectonics, that explains why 1906-type earthquakes happen--
along with why continents drift, mountains rise, and volcanoes line the Pacific
Rim. Plate tectonics may be one of the signature triumphs of the human mind,
geology’s answer to biology’s theory of evolution. There’s the broader question: Are there clear patterns, rules, and regularities in earthquakes, or are they inherently random and chaotic Maybe, as Berkeley seismologist Robert Nadeau says, "A lot of the randomness is just lack of knowledge." But any look at a seismic map shows that faults don’t follow neat and orderly line A. To stop faults dumping stress on other faults. B. To detect an earthquake. C. To warn people just before a quake. D. To send out electronic signals early to prepare people. [单项选择]“(元世祖时)议立三省。侍御史高鸣上封事曰:‘臣闻三省设自近古,其法,由中书出,改移门下。议不合,则有驳正或封还诏书;议合,则还移中书。中书移尚书,尚书乃下六部、郡国。方今天下大于古而事益繁,取决一省,犹曰有壅,况三省乎?且多置官者,求免失政也……政贵得人不贵多,不如一省便。’”元世祖接受这一建议,在中央设立()
A. 三省六部 B. 中书省 C. 军机处 D. 内阁 [判断题]记账员及时汇总每日的现金、支票、油票、加油卡(本)等购油形式加的汽油、柴油数量,与加油机(流量表)累计字码数核对一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于Internet,以下说法正确的是____。
A.Internet属于美国 B.Internet属于联合国 C.Internet属于国际红十字会 D.Internet不属于某个国家或组织 [判断题]根据《国家电网有限公司关于进一步加大安全生产违章惩处力度的通知》(国家电网安监〔2022〕106号),施工总承包单位可视情况而定,将工程分包给不具备相应资质单位。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交