A full moon was shining down on the
jungle. Accompanied only by an Indian guide, the American explorer and
archaeologist Edward Herbert Thompson—thirteen hundred years after the Mayas had
left their cities and made a break for the country farther north—was riding
through the New Empire that they had built for themselves, which had collapsed
after the arrival of the Spaniards. He was searching for Chichen Itza, the
largest, most beautiful, mightiest, and most splendid of all Mayan cities.
Horses and men had been suffering intense hardships on the trail. Thompson’s
head sagged on his breast from fatigue, and eac A. controlled and reformed B. conquered and abandoned C. occupied and developed D. defeated and destroyed [单项选择]对于方向性天线,在主瓣最大辐射方向两侧,辐射强度降低()的两点间的夹角定义为主瓣宽度。
A. 1dB B. 2dB C. 3dB D. 4dB [单项选择]中筋粉适用制作的点心()
A. 银丝卷 B. 叉烧包 C. 春卷皮 D. 萝卜丝酥饼 [单选题]用数字表测量交直流电流时( )。[211000000]
A.红表笔插入V/Ω孔,黑表笔插入COM孔 B.红表笔插入DB孔,黑表笔插入COM孔 C.红表笔插入MACX孔,黑表笔插入COM孔 D.红表笔插入mA孔或10A孔,黑表笔插入COM孔 [判断题]运载超长、超高或重大物件时,物件重心应与车厢承重中心基本一致,超长物件尾部应设标志。可以客货混装。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当小明需要进行主备电源切换时,应该怎么做。()。
A.主电电源开关,备电电源开关,控制器电源开关 B.控制器电源开关,备电电源开关,主电电源开关 C.在开机状态下,关掉主电电源开关,查看灯光显示区,主电是否故障,备电是否工作正常 D.主备电源开关,备电电源开关,控制器电源开关 [单选题]疑有上颌骨骨折时,最常用的X线投影方式是
A. 上颌前部聆片 B. 华氏位片 C. 许勒位片 D. 颅底位片 E. X线投影测量正位片 [单选题]甲、乙、丙三篮子中共有苹果57个,已知甲篮子的苹果数比乙多6个,丙篮子的苹果数比乙少3个,则甲、乙、丙三个篮子中的苹果数之比为:( )
A.9:7:6 B.8:6:5 C.5:4:3 D.5:3:2 [单项选择]关于刑法上的因果关系,下列说法错误的是:( )
A. 甲、乙二人没有意思联络,分别向丙的食物中投放了致死量50%的毒药,二人行为的重叠达到了致死量,丙吃食物后死亡。甲、乙二人的行为都与丙的死亡结果有因果关系 B. 甲十分妒嫉乙拥有的财产,就希望乙破产,于是积极鼓励乙炒股。一次股市大跌,乙真的倾家荡产,甲的主观愿望与乙的破产结果之间存在因果关系 C. 甲与其朋友乙对丙实施故意伤害行为,造成丙的重伤。经法医鉴定,该重伤是由背部遭钝器一击所致。甲与其朋友乙都持有钝器,但无法查明到底是谁持的钝器所为。甲、乙的伤害行为与丙的重伤结果都有因果关系 D. 下午3时执行死刑,在执行人正在扣动扳机的瞬间,被害人的父亲甲疯狂地冲进执行场地,推开执行人,自己扣动扳机打死了死刑犯乙。甲的行为与乙的死亡结果有因果关系 [单选题]入窖温度在春、秋两季控制在工艺范围内,( )适当提高1—2度。
A.夏季 B.春季 C.冬季 D.大约是在冬季 [单项选择] A major sociological theory known as symbolic interactionism offers some important insights into how men and women are taught to fill different roles in society. The key concept in symbolic interactionism is that communication makes a big difference in behavior: people act on the basis of messages they receive from others, and how they understand those messages. This can be seen in a concept developed by sociologist Charles Horton Cooley known as the looking-glass serf.
By the looking-glass self, Cooley meant the self-image that each of us develops according to the messages we receive from others; we think and behave according to our understanding of those messages. If, for example, a young girl is repeatedly told that she is pretty, she will come to believe that: (1) she is in fact pretty, and (2) being pretty is an important thing in her life. Similarly, if she is told that she is not good (or not expected to be good) at certain things such as math, she will come to believe th
A. why men and women are good at different things B. how young girls feel when they are said to be pretty C. how men and women are taught to perform different social roles D. why men and women receive messages in a totally different way 我来回答: 提交