EXPORTERS{{/B}} Many firms fail because when they begin exporting they have not researched the target markets or developed an international marketing plan. To be successful, a firm must clearly define goals, objectives and potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objective, regardless of the problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staff with considerable expertise, it may not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance. Often top management is not committed enough to overc A. focus on one particular region. B. finance local advertising campaigns. C. give the same support as to domestic agents. D. make sure there are sufficient marketing staff locally. [单项选择]
The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. [简答题]自2003年3月1日起中国东方航空集团公司使用的统一代码是
[单项选择]甲状腺功能亢进周期性麻痹病人首要护理措施( )。
A. 注意安全 B. 低糖饮食 C. 卧床休息 D. 避免情绪紧张 E. 执行补钾医嘱 [判断题]对于排查出的问题应执行“五到位”,即:整改措施、责任、资金、时限和预案。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]IBM was established in the state of New York on June 15, 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. But its origins can be traced back to 1890, when the United States was experiencing waves of immigration. The U.S. Census Bureau knew its traditional methods of counting would not be adequate for measuring the population, so it sponsored a contest to find a more efficient means of tabulating census data. The winner was Herman Hollerith, whose Punch Card Tabulating Machine used an electric current to sense holes in punch cards and keep a running total of data. Capitalizing on his success, Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine Co. in 1896.
(8) The combined Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co., or C-T-R, manufactured and sold machinery ranging from commercial scales and industrial time recorders to meat and cheese slicers and, of course, tabulators and punch cards. Thomas J. Watson joined the company as general manager in 1914, when the diversified business [简答题]他的发明直到他死后50年才得到使用。
A. 泪小点闭塞 B. 下睑外翻 C. 鼻泪管狭窄 D. 泪小管囊肿 E. 交感性眼炎 [多选题]郎酒,是全国唯一能生产( )三种香型白酒的名酒生产厂家,有“一树三花”的美誉。
A.清香 B.酱香 C.浓香 D.兼香 [判断题] 更换单开道岔尖轨、辙叉、基本轨、护轨前首先应该核对尖轨、基本轨、辙叉、护轨的型号、长度、开向,弯折位置 矢度和刨切量。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]光缆线路维护工作的基本任务是:保证光缆线路设施完整良好,( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]执业医师注册申请的受理机构是()
A. 所在地县级以上卫生行政部门 B. 所在地县级以上人民政府 C. 国务院卫生行政部门 D. 所在地医师协会 E. 省级卫生行政部门 [单选题]《国家电网公司变电检测管理规定》规定,某地市公司所辖220kV变电站于2017年5月3日(周三)完成带电检测,检测班组应在( )前完成检测记录的整理,录入PMS系统并形成检测异常分析报告。
A.2017.5.13 B.2017.5.18 C.2017.5.24 D.2017.5.31 [单选题]电力监控系统安装调试、检修等作业,( )或工作负责人认为有必要勘察现场的,应根据工作任务组织现场勘察,并填写现场勘察记录。
A. A.工作票签发人 B. B.工作班成员 C. C.工作监护人 D. D.工作执行人 [判断题]农商银行与抵押(出质)人可就单个借款合同分别订立抵(质)押合同,也可协议在最高债权额限度内就一定期间连续发生的借款合同订立一个最高额抵(质)押合同。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]事故现场破损机车车辆叠压成堆时,应采用( )。
A.拉翻法 B.线路拨道开通法 C.新铺便线开通法 [简答题]量块按( )精度分0、1、2、3四级。
[单项选择]需要两个或更多的部门响应的情况是( )。
A. 一级紧急情况 B. 三级紧急情况 C. 一般紧急情况 D. 二级紧急情况 我来回答: 提交