Cosmology is sometimes pooh-poohed as
more philosophy than science. It asks deep questions about nature but provides
unsatisfyingly vague answers. The cosmos may be 12 billion years old, but it
could be as much as 15 billion. The stars began to shine 100 million years after
the Big Bang, or maybe it’s a billion. "Our ideas," acknowledges Max Tegmark of
the University of Pennsylvania, "have been kind of wobbly." But much of the wobble has been fixed, thanks to a satellite known as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, or WMAP. Since July 2001, WMAP has been orbiting in deep space, more than a million kilometers from Earth, studying the most ancient light in existence. And in a dramatic reminder that important space science is almost always done by machines, not fragile humans, it reported a series of A. Microwaves are the medium WMAP used to make measurements. B. Warmer spots would finally develop into the clusters of galaxies. C. Dark energy is a decisive factor in the cosmic expansion. D. The nature of dark matter in space is unknown to scientists. [单项选择]对于癫癎症下列哪一条不属于根据病因分类()
A. 症状性癫癎及癫癎综合征 B. 癫癎持续状态 C. 特发性癫癎及癫癎综合征 D. 隐源性癫癎 E. 状态关联性癫癎发作 [单选题]液化石油气有火灾爆炸危险性、( )危险性、中毒危险性。
A.烧伤 B.窒息 C.烫伤 D.冻伤 [单项选择]转换式采血法一次性术前可以采集皿量()。
A. 1600mL B. 1200mL C. 800mL D. 600mL E. 400mL [单选题]女性,50岁,腹胀、腹痛,大便不成形,每日3~4次,有脓血便。查体:左中腹可扪及包块,边界不清,为明确诊断应做
A.B超检查 B.CT检查 C.AFP检查 D.乙状结肠镜检查 E.粪便检查 [判断题]车间HSE检查每周1次,由车间负责组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》规定,要把社会公德、( )、家庭美德个人品德建设作为着力点
[单选题]湿陷性黄土地区,建筑物屋面宜采用( )排水,并应将雨雪水直接排至排水管网。(GB50345—2012《屋面工程技术规范》4.2.10)
A.A.有组织 B.B.无组织 C.C.自由 D.D.无序 [单项选择]
A multinational corporation is a corporate enterprise, which though headquartered in one country, conducts its operations through branches that it owns or controls around the world. The organizations, mostly based in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, have become major actors on the international stage, for some of them are wealthier than many of the countries they operate in. The less developed countries often welcome the multinationals because they are a source of investment and jobs. Yet their presence has its drawbacks, for these organizations soon develop immense political and economic influence in the host countries. Development becomes concentrated in a few industries that are oriented to the needs of the outsiders; profits are frequently exported rather than reinvested; and local benefits go mainly to a small ruling group whose interests are tied to those of the foreigners rather than to those of their own people. The effect is to further increase export depend [判断题]即期外汇交易指外汇交易成交后,根据合同约定的到期日,按约定的汇率办理收付的交易。()
[单选题]单选题《特种设备生产单位许可目录》中的A级锅炉许可范围是出口压力大于( )MPa的蒸汽锅炉和热水锅炉。
A.2.5 B.3.8 C.6.0 [单选题]被称为第三势力的心理学流派是( )。
A.行为主义心理学 B.认知心理学 C.人本主义心理学 D.格式塔心理学 [单项选择]设X为int型变量,执行以下语句,x=10;x+=x-=x-x;x的值为______。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 [单项选择]()可选择色彩纯度较高的眼影,使妆色显得艳丽。
A. 日妆 B. 职业妆 C. 新娘妆 D. 晚宴妆 [单选题]343 题, 本小题 1 分
电容器正常巡视周期:装于室内的和市区的配电变压器一般(____)至少巡视一次,户外(包括郊区及农村的)一般(____)至少巡视一次。 A. 每半月每月 B. 每月每月 C. 每月每季 D. 每季每年 [单项选择]三相同步发电机,当转速和励磁不变时,若负载增加,轴承电压反而升高,则该负载性质为()。
A. 电阻性 B. 电容性 C. 电抗性 D. 电磁性 [判断题]上海铁路局关于重新公布《上海铁路局运输收入票据管理实施细则》的通知(上铁收 [2017]576号)规定,按规定经集团公司客货主管部门批准的代理铁路车票销售或行包、货物托运业务的处所(以下简称代售代办点),由申报开办代理业务的代售点代办点直接负责按规定办理票据请领手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]软件维护是保证软件正常、有效运行的重要手段,而软件的下述特性: Ⅰ.可测试性 Ⅱ.可理解性 Ⅲ.可修改性 Ⅳ.可移植性 有利于软件的维护的有
A. 只有Ⅰ B. Ⅱ和Ⅲ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ D. 都有利 [单项选择]申请参加大额支付系统的农村信用社机构,联行人员至少配备()人以上。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 6 [单项选择]计算井筒平均温度不需要的参数是()。
A. 气井的中部井深 B. 地温级率 C. 井口海拔 D. 井口温度 [名词解释]何博礼现象
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]要更加重视法治.厉行法治,更好发挥法治( )的重要作用,坚持依法应对重大挑战.抵御重大风险.克服重大阻力.解决重大矛盾。
A.固根本 B.稳预期 C.利长远 D.提效率 我来回答: 提交