为了进一步明确诊断,该患者必要的辅助检查包括() The period immediately following the
Civil War was a time of great hope for Blacks in America. It was also a time of
momentous (21) change, as the nation sought to (22)
those liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights to all Americans,
Black and White. The Thirteenth Amendment (23) slavery, the
Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed all citizens equal protection of the laws, and
the Fifteenth Amendment declared that no one could be (24)
the right to vote " (25) race, color, or precious
condition of servitude." In subsequent decades, (26) , it
became all too apparent, at least to Blacks and a (n) (27)
small number of concerned Whites, that the promise contained in these
amendments were not being (28) By century’s end, racial
segregation was still an inescapable fact of American life, in the North
A. that B. us C. it D. things [填空题]For more than 10 years there has been a bigger rise in car crime than in most other types of crime. An average of more than two cars a minute are broken into, vandalized (破坏) or stolen in the UK. Car crime accounts for almost a third of all reported offences with no signs that the trend is slowing down.
Although there are highly professional criminals involved in car theft, almost 90 percent of car crime is committed by the opportunist. Amateur thieves are aided by our carelessness. When the Automobile Association (AA) engineers surveyed one town centre car park last year, 10 percent of cars checked were unlocked, a figure backed up by a Home Office national survey that found 12 percent of drivers sometimes left their cars unlocked. The vehicles are sitting in petrol stations while drivers pay for their fuel. The AA has discovered that cars are left unattended for an average of three minutes and sometimes much longer as drivers buy drinks, cigarettes and other consumer it [单选题]下列各项中对变压器绕组直流电阻的测量有影响的是( )。
A.变压器上层油温及绕组温度 B.变压器油质状况 C.变压器绕组受潮 D.环境空气温度 [判断题]配水系统的作用是保证在一定的水量变化范围内,将水均匀的分布到整个淋水装置面上,以充分利用淋水装置使水降温。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]我国建筑业专业技术人员执业资格的共同点有()。
A.只有注册以后才能执业 B.一次注册终生有效 C.均需接受继续教育 D.不得同时注册于两家不同的单位 E.均有各自的职业范围 [单选题]应急消防宣传的工作机制是()
A.统一领导、同步响应、分级负责、随警作战 B.同步响应、统一领导、分级负责、随警作战 C.分级负责、统一领导、同步响应、随警作战 D.统一领导、分级负责、同步响应、随警作战 [单项选择]按UCP600规定,信用证上如出现“约”字,应解释为允许有不超过()的增减幅度。
A. 2.5% B. 5% C. 10% D. 不一定 [填空题]纺织品按用途分为()织物,()织物,和()织物。
A.滋阴潜阳,益肾健骨,养血补心 B.滋阴潜阳,软坚散结,养血补心 C.滋阴潜阳,益肾健骨,润肠通便 D.滋阴潜阳,益肾健骨,清热明目 E.滋阴潜阳,益肾健骨,清心安神 [单项选择]动物小肠上皮细胞吸收葡萄糖过程中,()离子起重要作用。
A. 钠 B. 钾 C. 氢离子 D. 钙 [判断题]( )宇通混合动力制动信号电压范围是0.75V-3.5V。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 对高温紧固螺栓的材料要求是( )。 [1分]
A.良好的冷却性能 B.良好的应力集中性能 C. 良好的抗松弛性能和抗腐蚀性能及力学性能 D.较小的缺口敏感性和蠕变脆化倾向 [单选题]车底架配件(重点制动及电管路)距轮缘、车轴、制动盘距离不得小于( )mm,检查时须考虑偏倚量。
A.50 B.80 C.100 D.120 [单选题]拘传只适用于)
A.犯罪嫌疑人 B.自诉人 C. 证人 D.辩护人 [判断题]保安接地线仅作为预防感应电使用,不得以此代替工作接地线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可用于上消化道出血的是()
A. 去甲肾上腺素 B. 间羟胺 C. 肾上腺素 D. 麻黄碱 E. 多巴胺 [单选题]What does the word " success " mean?
A. 到达,抵达 B.好像,仿佛 C.成功,胜利 D.取代,替换 [填空题]普速铁路接触网作业中推动车梯应服从工作台上人员的指挥。当车梯工作台面上有人时,推动车梯的速度不得超过( )km/h,并不得发生冲击和急剧起、停。工作台上人员和车梯负责人应呼唤应答,配合妥当。
[单选题]哪种体位时颈静脉明显充盈怒张或搏动为异常征象?( )
A.立位 B.卧位 C.坐位或半坐位 D.侧卧位 E.以上都不对 [单项选择]为达到良好的抗力形,下列说法错误的是:()
A. 去除无基釉质 B. 洞在牙本质有一定的深度 C. 洞底线角明确 D. 去除薄壁弱尖 我来回答: 提交