They may look like a couple of
characters flown in from Disneyland, but the official mascots (吉祥物) of Athens
2004 actually say a lot about Greek culture. Through Phevos and Athena, two of
the country’s most treasured mythological (神话的) characters, Athens plans to
share its history with the world. Phevos is the Greek name for Apollo, god of light and music. His sister, Athena, is the goddess of wisdom and ’art. The city of Athens is named after her. Though their creation was inspired by ancient Greek dolls from the 7th century BC, Phevos and Athena are children of modern times. They are simple and joyful, full of life and creativity, naughty and lovable. As brother and sister, boy and girl, they are also symbols of equality and brotherhood around the world. Whether they are rowing, diving or enjoying themselves on a trampolin A. The Olympic Games B. The Olympic Values C. The Olympic Mascots D. The History o(Olympic Games [判断题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,总承包单位和分承包单位对分承包工程的安全生产承担连带责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作和备用水泵的总能力,应当能在 20h 内排出矿井 24h 的()涌水量
A.正常 B.最大 C.突水 [多选题]扣件式钢管脚手架的纵向水平杆采用搭接连接时,应满足以下( )等要求。
A.两个相邻接头不应设在同步、同跨内 B.各接头中心至最近主节点的距离不应大于纵距的1/2 C.搭接长度段应等间距设置3个旋转扣件固定 D.不同步或不同跨的两相邻接头水平向错开距离不应小于450mm E.端部扣件盖板边缘至搭接纵向水平杆杆端的距离不应小于100mm [单选题]下列属于公文拟写与制作环节的是( )
A.传阅 B.拟稿 C.分装 D.承办 [单项选择]包装技术的选择应遵循科学、经济、牢固、美观和()的原则。
A. 高技术 B. 适用 C. 标准化 D. 一次性 [判断题]电焊机导线和接地线不得搭在易燃、易爆和带有热源的物品上,接地线不得接在管道、机械设备和建筑物金属构架或轨道上,接地电阻不得大于 4Ω。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]基础地理信息有数据输出与转换功能,其数据转换的目的是()
A.与原有数据实现无缝拼接 B.为满足不同平台的应用需求 C.便于分层显示空间数据 D.便于数据目录调查 我来回答: 提交