A newly published AIDS study could open another front in the battle against HIV infection by showing that gene therapy can be used to stop infected cells from spreading the deadly virus, researchers said.
In a test-tube experiment believed to be the first of its kind, researchers based at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were able to block the operation of the" tat "gene that allows HIV to spread throughout the body from infected cells.
Up to now, genetic AIDS research has concentrated on finding ways to help healthy cells withstand the ravages of the HIV virus that infects an estimated 16, 000 new victims a day, mainly in the developing world.
But by working with human cells already infected with HIV, the team was able to reduce the tat gene’s virus-replicating functions by 80 percent to 90 percent, according to findings published in the journal Gene Therapy.
That, researchers said, raises the possibility of a new gene the
A. AIDS study raises hopes for gene therapy treatment.
B. A new killer of HIV virus.
C. Research on gene therapy.
D. Gene therapy proves to be the ultimate solution to HIV infection.
to get from Kathmandu to the tiny
village in Nepal, Dave Irvine-Halliday spent more than two days. When he
arrived, he found villagers working and reading around battery-powered lamps
equipped with light-emitting diodes, or LEDs--the same lamps he had left there
in 2000. Irvine-Halliday, an American photonics engineer, was not surprised. He chose to use LED bulbs because they are rugged, portable, long-lived, and extremely efficient. Each of his lamps produces a useful amount of illumination from just one watt of power. Villagers use them about four hours each night, then top off the battery by pedaling a generator for half an hour. The cool, steady beam is a huge improvement over lamps still common in developing Countries. In fact, LEDs have big advantages over familiar incandescent (白炽的)lights as well--so much so that Irvine-Halliday expects LEDs wil A. were given by Irvine-Halliday B. are rugged C. are cheap D. are easily-recharged [判断题]调度业务联系基本规定是:下级调度机构必须服从上级调度机构的调度。调度机构调度管辖范围内的发电厂、变电站的运行值班单位,必须服从该级调度机构的调度。
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A. ≤0.10% B. ≤100mg/kg C. ≤0.50% D. ≤500mg/kg [单项选择]用一个杯子盛满水向一个空罐里倒水。如果倒进2杯水,连罐共重0.6千克;如果倒进5杯水,连罐共重0.975千克。这个空罐重( )千克。
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