If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmosphere, the planet’s fragile layer of air would be as good as fixed. The two great dangers threatening the blanket of gases that nurtures and protects life on earth--global warming and the thinning ozone layer--have been identified. Better yet, scientists and policymakers have come up with effective though expensive countermeasures.
But that doesn’t mean these problems are anywhere close to being solved. The stratospheric ozone layer, for example, is still getting thinner, despite the 1987 international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol, which calls for a phaseout of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals by the year 2006.
CFCs--first fingered as dangerous in the 1970s by Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina, two of this year’s Nobel--prizewinning chemists—have been widely used for refrigeration and other purposes. If uncontrolled, t
A. assured.
B. slack.
C. detached.
D. active.
When Thomas Keller, one of America’s
foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. 1 he would abolish the practice of
tipping at Per Se, his luxury restaurant in New York City, and replace it with a
European--style service charge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers,
servers and restaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to
tipping—as they quickly made clear on Web sites. To oppose tipping, it seems, is
to be anticapitalist, and maybe even a little French. But Mr. Keller is right to move away from tipping—and it’s worth exploring why just about everyone else in the restaurant world is wrong to stick with the practice. Customers believe in tipping because they think it makes economic sense. "Waiters know that they won’t get paid if they don’t do a good job" is how most advocates of the system would put it. To be sure, this is a te A. is tipping-free B. charges little tip C. is the author’s initiative D. is offered at Per Se [判断题]运营期间更换云购票机票箱前,无须摆放暂停服务牌,登陆后进行更换票箱操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]向上级机关汇报工作用()。
A.请求 B.报告 C.通告 D.通报 [单选题]抗休克时常用的血管活性药物之一,小剂量时可增强心肌收缩力,并扩张肾和胃肠道等内脏器官血管,大剂量时具有。受体作用可增加外周阻力。 此药物是( )
A. 去甲肾上腺素 B. 间羟胺 C. 苄胺唑啉 D. 多巴胺 E. 异丙肾上腺素 [单选题]阿米巴痢疾取
A.平卧位 B.右侧卧位 C.左侧卧位 D.患侧卧位 [单项选择]患者男,33岁,发现左手环指远指间关节掌侧渐进性无痛性增大肿物5个月余。查体:左手环指见大小约1cm×1cm肿物,左手远指间关节呈轻度屈曲畸形,无明确压痛,质韧,活动度可。 如诊断为左手环指黄色素瘤,最佳的治疗方案是()
A. 减少左手环指活动 B. 尽早手术切除,保护周围血管神经 C. 观察,如继续增大再考虑手术 D. 尽早手术切除,切除时将侵犯的周围血管神经也切除 E. 将肿物大部切除即可,不需完全切除 [单选题]某种疾病的病死率指( )
A.该病的死亡专率 B.该疾病的死亡结果 C.该病死亡在各种死亡中的比例 D.该病患者的死亡百分比 [判断题]( ) 按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:钻井工程设计中,设计合理的井身结构和套管层序,并满足以下井控要求,同一裸眼井段不宜存在用同一泥浆密度无法兼顾的多套压力系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]69.抽油机井井口憋压时以( )为标准,具体视现场情况来决定。
A.抽压次数 B.B、产液量 C.C、时间 D.D、压力 [单选题] 在气流干燥器中,物料由加料斗经( )送入气流干燥器的底部。
A.螺旋加料器 B.离心机 C.振动筛 D.下料管" [判断题]基金宣传推介材料不同基金的业绩进行比较,应当使用可比的数据来源、统计方法和比较期间,并且有关数据来源、统计方法应当公平、准确,具有关联性。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安装电缆接头应在空气湿度为( )以下进行。
A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80%。 [单选题]男性,46岁,因思甲状腺机能亢进症而行甲状腺大部切除术,手术经过顺利,术后第二天,病人诉手部阵发性针刺感,唇部也有类似感受。考虑为
A.喉上神经损伤; B.喉返神经损伤; C.甲状旁腺损伤; D.颈部小神经受损; E.甲状腺危象前兆; [单选题]腰椎间盘突出症患者手术后第一天进行直腿抬高练习的目的是为了预防 ( )
A.血肿形成 B.骨质疏松 C.伤口感染 D. 神经根粘连 E. 肌肉萎缩 [多选题]井下爆炸材料库应包括( )。
A.人员休息室 B.库房 C.配电室 D.辅助硐室 E.通向库房的巷道 [判断题]火力发电厂中锅炉是生产蒸汽的设备,锅炉的容量也称为额定蒸发量,单位t/h。(1分)()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进入电缆井、电缆隧道前,应先用吹风机排除浊气,再用()检查井内或隧道内的易燃易爆及有毒气体的含量是否超标,并做好记录。
A.气体检测仪 B.仪表 C.小动物 D.明火 E.略 F.略 [单选题] 变速机构在一定范围内平行移动( )
A.水轮机静特性线 B.发电机静特性线 C.调速器静特性线 D.调速系统静特性线 [填空题]高炉主要是靠稳定且能快速重新形成的()来实现长寿的。
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