To finance the national debt, the
government issues a variety of debt securities. The most widely held
liquid security is the Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry
of finance. However, some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U.S.
government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount
from par ( their value at maturity) . The investor’s yield comes from the
increase in the value of the security between the time it was purchased and the
time it matures. Treasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk. Because even if the government ran out of money, it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature. The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of the sh [多项选择]道教所供奉的神仙主要有 ( )
A. 真武大帝 B. 文昌帝君 C. 魁星 D. 八仙 [填空题] keeping its original shape and color Another important way to prolong the life of cut flowers is the life of cut flowers produce carbon dioxide D.for as long as possible E. by controlling temperature F. to replace the water and solution every day [多项选择]依据华电集团《工作票和操作票管理使用规定(试行)》,在电力生产现场、设备、系统上从事检修、维护、安装、改造、调试、试验等工作,必须执行危险点分析预控制度、()以及工作间断、转移和终结制度
A. 工作票制度 B. 动火票制度 C. 工作许可制度 D. 工作监护制度 [判断题]在检修设备时,只要和中控工联系好就可以工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列体现我国公民道德建设发展的主流的是()。
A.追求科学、文明、健康的生活方式 B.中华民族的传统美德与体现时代要求的新的道德观念相融合 C.为人民服务精神不断发扬光大,崇尚先进、学习先进蔚然成风 D.爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想日益深入人心 [单项选择]其应辨证为
A. 寒湿泄泻 B. 寒湿痢 C. 阴虚痢 D. 虚寒痢 E. 休息痢 [单选题]检查司机室侧门扶手,要求扶手表面无变形、无{|*|}。
A.锈迹 [多项选择]按照《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》的规定,应计入建筑面积的有( )。
A. 无永久性顶盖的室外楼梯 B. 地下室 C. 消防楼梯 D. 悬挑雨篷 E. 墙面抹灰 [判断题]“君子周而不比,小人比而不周”讲的是群己关系。
A. 卵巢恶性生殖细胞实性肿瘤 B. 常见于儿童及青年妇女 C. 肿瘤彩色多普勒血流显像可显示丰富血流 D. 卵巢实性良性肿瘤 E. 卵巢少见肿瘤 [单项选择]开泵是井控作业的关键步骤之一,其基本原则是开泵过程中尽量保持井底压力不变。为达到此目的,开泵过程中应尽量保持()。
A. 立压等于关井立压 B. 套压等于关井套压 C. 立压等于低泵速压力 [判断题]沟(槽)开挖深度达到1.2m及以上时,应采取措施防止土层塌方。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]继续盘问的时限一般为()答案
A. A. 八小时 B. B. 十二小时 C. C. 二十四小时 D. D. 四十八小时 我来回答: 提交