In an interview last month, Frank
Church, chairman of the Senate committee which is investigating the CIA, issued
an oblique but impassioned warning, that the technology of eavesdropping had
become so highly developed that Americans might soon be left with "no place to
hide". That day may have arrived. Newsweek has learned that the country’s most
secret intelligence operation, the National Security Agency, already possesses
the computerized equipment to monitor nearly all overseas telephone calls and
most domestic and international printed messages. The agency’s devices monitor a great deal of telephone circuits, cable lines and the microwave transmissions that carry an increasing share of both spoken and written communications. Computers are programed to watch for "trigger" words or phrases indicating that a message might A. indirect but enthusiastic. B. direct but passionate. C. ambiguous but calm. D. definite but indifferent. [单选题]常把在( )以下的热处理叫做烘干。A.250℃ B.300℃ C.350℃
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]钢印标记不全或不能识别的,不能充装。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]标志着“蒋家王朝”在大陆统治最后终结的事件是 。
A.大西南战役 B.新疆的解放 C.西藏和平解放 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第5.2.1A条规定:作业人员至少每年进行一次体检。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]處的胶水在模组段最常用来( )
A.电芯点胶 B.端板点胶 C.侧板点胶 D.底部树脂板点胶 [单选题]70°探头检测钢轨额部时焊筋轮廓波应在荧光屏( )出波。
A.一二次交替处 B.刻度3 C.刻度6 D.刻度7 [单项选择]把下列诗句组成四组对偶句,正确的一组是:
①匡衡抗疏功名薄 ②直北关山金鼓振 ③云移雉尾开宫扇 ④刘向传经心事违 ⑤佳人拾翠春相问 ⑥日绕龙鳞识圣颜 ⑦征西车马羽书驰 ⑧仙侣同舟晚更移 A. ①④/②⑦/③⑥/⑤⑧ B. ①⑧/②⑥/③⑦/④⑤ C. ①⑤/②③/④⑦/⑥⑧ D. ①④/②⑤/③⑥/⑦⑧ [判断题]使用模拟式或指针式电压表测量时,在开启电源后先预热10min,然后再用表头机械调零把表头指针调到0刻度。( )
A.嬉笑打闹 B.任何赌博 C.低于100元的赌博 D.以上都不允许 [多选题]金融机构向金融消费者说明重要内容和披露风险时,应当依照相关法律法规、监管要求留存相关资料,留存包括以下哪些。( )
A.金融消费者签字确认的产品和服务协议书 B.金融消费者签字确认的风险提示书 C.记录向金融消费者说明重要内容的录音、录像资料等 D.金融消费者单位出具的在职证明 我来回答: 提交