Before a big exam, a sound night’s
sleep will do you more good than poring over textbooks. That, at least, is the
folk wisdom. And science, in the form of behavioral psychology, supports that
wisdom. But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing
theories of why sleep is good for the memory. One says that sleep is when
permanent memories form. The other says that they are actually formed during the
day, but then "edited’’ at night, to flush away what is superfluous. To tell the difference, it is necessary to look into the brain of a sleeping person, and that is hard. But after a decade of painstaking work, a team led by Pierre Maquet at Liege University in Belgium has managed to do it. The particular stage of sleep in which the Belgian group is interested in is rapid eye mov A. exposing a long-held folk wisdom B. clarifying the predictions on dreams C. making contrasts and comparisons D. correlating effects with their causes [填空题]为保证选择性,过电流保护的动作时限应按()原则整定,越靠近电源处的保护,动作时限越()。
A.特别潮湿:相对湿度经常在90%以上; B.高温:环境温度经常在40℃以上; C.导电地面:金属或特别潮湿的土、砖、混凝土地面等; D.有导电性尘埃。 [单项选择]有关港口通信业务和引水业务的内容刊登在”无线电信号书”的().
A. 第一卷 B. 第六卷 C. 第三卷 D. 第五卷 [单项选择]发达国家应该______自己的历史责任和当前人均排放高的现实,严格______《京都议定书》确定的减排目标,继续承担中期大幅量化减排义务。 填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 承担 遵守 B. 正视 履行 C. 重视 遵守 D. 直面 履行 [多选题]网络测试仪可以测试()网线的标准顺序。
A.T568A B.T568B C.T568C D.T568 [单项选择]关于铁剂的叙述,下列哪项是错误的:
A. 主要在十二指肠及空肠上段吸收 B. 对营养不良引起的贫血有效 C. 急性中毒可用去铁胺解救 D. Pe2+转变为Fe3+才能吸收 E. 对失血过多引起的贫血疗效极佳 我来回答: 提交