Painting has been continuously
practiced by humans for some 20,000 years. Together with other activities
{{U}} (31) {{/U}}ritualistic in origin but have come to be designated as
artistic (such as music or dance), painting was one of the earliest ways in
which man{{U}} (32) {{/U}}to express his own personality and his{{U}}
(33) {{/U}}understanding of an existence. {{U}} (34)
{{/U}}music and dance, however, examples of early forms of painting have
survived to the present day. The modern eye can derive aesthetic as well as
antiquarian satisfaction {{U}} (35) {{/U}}the 15,000-year-old cave murals
of Lascaux--some examples{{U}} (36) {{/U}}to the considerable
powers of draftsmanship of these early artists. And painting, like other arts,
exhibits universal qualities that{{U}} (37) {{/U}}for viewers of all
nations and civilizations. The major A. make easy B. make it easy C. make hard D. make it hard [判断题]昼间有停留车位置手信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()元及以上面额必须全额机械清分。
A.5 B.10 C.20 [单项选择]下列哪项是慢性支气管炎的临床分型()
A. 单纯型、喘息型及混合型 B. 单纯型和喘息型 C. 单纯型、喘息型及反复感染型 D. 喘息型及黏液脓痰型 E. 单纯型及黏液脓痰型 [判断题]起重链不得打扭,亦不得拆成单股使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]YD02ZG003307、《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全管理规定》,各单位安全生产委员会是安全生产的最高领导机构,负责研究和决定本单位的安全生产重大决策,协调解决安全生产重大问题。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.128货车核定乘坐人数应小于等于_______。
A.2人 B.3人 C.6人 D.9人 [判断题]在机组转动部分进行电焊工作时,接地线应就近接到转动部分上,防止轴承绝缘击穿。()
A.5;50 B.3;30 C.3;50 D.5;30 [单项选择]肠外营养的并发症是()
A. 腹胀、腹泻 B. 腹水、胸水 C. 低脂血症 D. 低蛋白血症 E. 气胸、血胸 [单选题]电缆耐压试验前,加压端应做好安全措施,防止人员误入试验场所,另一端应()。如另一端是上杆的或是锯断电缆处,应派人看守。
A.设置围栏 B.挂上警告标示牌 C.设置围栏并挂上警告标示牌 D.以上都不对 我来回答: 提交