{{B}}Mediterranean Diet{{/B}} The Mediterranean diet is based upon the eating patterns of traditional cultures in the Mediterranean region. Several noted nutritionists and research projects have concluded that this diet is one of the most healthful in the world in terms of preventing such illnesses as heart disease and cancer, and increasing life expectancy. The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea. These cultures have eating habits that developed over thousands of years. In Europe, parts of Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and southern France adhere to principles of the Mediterranean diet, as do Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa. Parts of the Balkan region and Turkey follow the diet, as well as Middle Eastern countries like Leb A. It is the most popular diet in the world. B. It developed out of the oldest culture with a history of over thousands of years. C. It spreads beyond the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. D. It is closely related with the typical farming produces in that region. [单项选择]无机絮凝剂的作用机理最终表现为()。
A. 降低水的表面张力 B. 减弱消除颗粒间斥力 C. 架桥作用 D. 水化作用 [单项选择]对不易打开的石膏用()方法
A. 敲 B. 听 C. 探 D. 开 [单选题]在人的生命周期中,属于现实人力资源阶段的是( )。
A.少年期 B.老年期 C.成年期 D.婴儿期 [单项选择]醛类中杀菌效果最好的是()。
A. 聚甲醛 B. 甲醛 C. 戊二醛 D. 乙醛 [多选题]钢轨钻孔有()要求?
A.位置应在螺栓孔中心线上 B.必须倒棱 C.两螺栓孔的净距不得小于大孔径的2倍 D.其他部门需在钢轨上钻孔或加装设备时,必须征得工务设备管理单位的同意,并有工务人员现场监督。 [单项选择]新《条例》共11章()条。
A. 133 B. 156 C. 178 D. 168 [多选题]( )应始终在工作现场。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.专责监护人 D.工作许可人 [判断题]老人的名字是桑提亚哥。
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