It was a normal day in the life of the
American Red Cross in Greater New York. First, part of a building on West 140th
Street, in Harlem, fell down. Beds tumbled through the air, people slid out of
their apartments and onto the ground, three people died, and the Red Cross was
there, helping shocked residents find temporary shelter, and food and clothing.
Then it was back downtown for that evening’s big fund-raiser, the Eleventh
Annual Red Cross Award Dinner Dance, at the Pierre. "That’s why I have bad hair
tonight," Said Christopher Peake, a Red Cross spokesman who had spent much of
the day at the Harlem scene, in the drizzling rain. He was now in a tuxedo, and
actually his hair didn’t look so bad, framed by a centerpiece of tulips and
jonquils, and perhaps improved by subdued lighting from eight crystal
chandeliers. Definitel A. the president of the American Red Cross and acted at the Dinner as a North Carolina hostess ______. B. a republican and wife of the president of the American Red Cross C. the president of the American Red Cross and its main representative at the Annual Dinner Dance D. born in North Carolina, became an air-hostess and later married Senator Robert Dole [单选题]通信工程不能办理的工程签证内容( )
A.招标文件中或定额中或合同中已经包含的内容。 B.与工程无直接关系的费用 C.发生施工质量事故造成的工程返修、加固、拆除工作 D.以上都是 [简答题]《唱论》是什么?
[判断题]班组设备定置管理的三要素是(放置)的场所.方法.数量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全联锁装的作用是,快开门在端盖未完全闭合之前,容器内不能()。
A.打开 B.升压 [单选题]皮亚杰把人的智力发育分为4个阶段,其中10~l2岁儿童处于
A.感觉运动期 B.前运思期 C.具体运思期 D.形式运思期 [单选题]项羽,中国军事史上“实力派”和“勇战派”的代表人物,有 着_之勇。和汉高祖刘
A.锐不可当举世无双 B.万夫不当当之无愧 C.无所畏惧虚有其表 D.威武不屈独一无二 [单选题] 高压电动机发生单相接地故障时,只要接地电流大于(),将造成电动机定子铁芯烧损。
A.5A B.10A C.15A [判断题]危险警示牌用于火灾等灾害事故现场警戒、警示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题:一号线AGM更换单程票回收箱,进入“更换票箱”菜单界面,点击( ) 查询,此时会显示票箱 A 票卡数量,票箱 B 票卡数量,废票箱票卡数量。
A.Enter B.ESC C.F2 D.F3 [单选题]UM71系统的低频频率从10.3Hz开始,直到( ),它们的代码为F1~F18。
A.11.4Hz B.14.7Hz C.15.8Hz D.29Hz [多选题]商业银行开展理财业务,应当确保每只理财产品与所投资资产相对应,做到每只理财产品( )、( )和( ),不得开展或者参与具有滚动发行、集合运作、分离定价特征的资金池理财业务。
A.单独管理 B.单独建账 C.单独核算 D.单独销售 [单项选择]通过以下哪些介质不可以购买工行理财产品()
A. 牡丹灵通卡e时代 B. 理财金卡 C. 牡丹信用卡 D. 财富卡 [单选题]王某为其所有的小轿车投保了自燃险,小轿车价值30万元,保险金额为30万元。现小轿车在高速公路行驶时发生自燃,燃烧后小轿车已完全无使用价值,保险公司向王某进行了全额赔付。后来,保险公司在清理车辆残存物时发现,残存的车辆钢架结构仍有一定回收价值。根据保险法律制度的规定,该车辆钢架结构变现所得应当( )。
A.归保险公司所有 B.归王某所有 C.由保险公司和王某协商处理 D.由保险公司和王某均分 [单项选择]我国编辑工作的思想性,在很多地方是和()相通的。
A. 政治性 B. 稳定性 C. 艺术性 D. 选择性 [单选题]( )负责纪念票检测、制作及异常交易查询工作,并制定相关政策
A.调度票务中心 B.票务清分中心 C.客运中心 D.企管法务部 我来回答: 提交