After their owners (主人) left them
carelessly behind in Yellowstone National Park, Louie, a 4-year-old golden dog,
and Nipsy, a 3-year-old long hair eat, were killed within minutes of beginning
their journey home. Repons said "It looks like right after leaving the
campsite they were chased (追逐) by some big animals. So they ran quickly and fell
off a cliff (悬崖) in a hurry and died." The park keeper Ken Hinkley said he
discovered their bodies, part of which had been eaten by a wolf possibly when he
was looking around the park. And it seemed that their bodies were run over by a
truck after that. Their owners were very sad to learn the news, but they had to give up hope. A few months later, they bought a new kitten and puppy whom they love very much. They said they would look after the do [单选题]实用中的化学电源,其实际容量总是低于理论容量而通常比额定容量大( )
A.30%~40% B.1倍 C..5 D.10%~20% [多项选择]资产包括哪些类别()。
A. 固定资产(不动产) B. 流动资产 C. 无形资产 D. 长期投资和其他资产 [多选题]禁止溜放的车辆包括装有禁止溜放货物的车辆;非工作机车、铁路救援起重机、( )、落下孔车、客车、动车组和特种用途车。
A.大型养路机械 B.家畜车 C.机械冷藏车 D.凹型车 [判断题] ()汽车常用轴承分为滑动轴承和滚动轴承两类。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]廉洁从教,下列哪些行为是与这一职业道德相违背的()
A. 丧失原则 B. 利用家长的权利为自己牟取私利 C. 盲目向家长许愿 D. 与学生家长吃吃喝喝 [单选题]{A}混凝土路面对宽度在3mm以下的(),用低粘性沥青或环氧树脂等材料灌注。
A.扩展性裂缝 B.非扩展性裂缝 C.麻面 D.磨蚀 [单项选择]修改数据表的字段的数据类型与属性,必须在()下进行。
A. 设计视图 B. 数据表视图 C. 数据透视表视图 D. 数据透视图视图 [单项选择]在uC/OS-II中有多种方法可以保护任务之间的共享数据和提供任务之间的通信。其中不能达到保护目的的方法是()。
A. 利用宏OS_ENTER_CRITICAL()和OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()来关闭中断和打开中断 B. 利用函数OSSchedLock()和OSSchedUnlock()对任务调度函数上锁和开锁 C. 利用信号量、互斥信号量、邮箱和消息队列进行任务间通信 D. 利用内存文件进行任务间的大规模数据共享 [填空题]公司对干部的要求:( )。
A. 识记 B. 保持 C. 再认 D. 回忆 [简答题]特殊高处作业在阵风风力( )的情况下进行高处作业
[单项选择]One of the most widely used routing protocols in IP networks is the Routing Information Protocol (RIP).RIP is the canonical example of a routing protocol built on the (71) algorithm.Routing protocols in internet works differ slightly from the idealized graph model.In an internet work,the goal of the routers to forward (72) to various networks.
Routers running RIP send their advertisement about cost every (73) seconds.A router also sends an update message whenever an update from another router causes it to change its routing table. Routing protocols use different techniques for assigning (74) to individual networks.Further, each routing protocol forms a metric aggregation in a different way.RIP takes the simplest approach,with all link costs being equal (75) .Thus it always tries to find the minimum hop route.Valid distances are 1 through 15.This also limits RIP to runing on fairly small networks. A. respond time B. utilization C. links D. metrics [单项选择]Jerry seldom came to the laboratory, ______ he
A. 是教师道德最主要、最基本的功能; B. 主要有两种方式:他律性的社会调节和自律性的自我调节; C. 道德是调节教育活动关系和秩序的唯一手段; D. 道德调节最终依靠道德自觉性来实现 [简答题]党员交纳党费的基本要求是什么?
A. 别致前功尽弃 B. 隐蔽枉费心机 C. 简单徒劳无功 D. 精妙无所适从 我来回答: 提交