But let no one think that pleasure is
immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences
may be such (31) the sensible person eschews certain
varieties of (32) Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual.
They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that
intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well
to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35)
sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you
have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess
problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them
with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there
is no occupation—except perhaps needle- work, but that leaves the restless
spirit (37) liberty—which you can more A. in B. from C. at D. with [单选题]地市、县供电企业()在收到客户接入系统方案确认单后,根据当地能源主管部门项目备案管理办法,按月集中
代自然人项目业主向当地能源主管部门进行项目备案,备案文件抄送财务部、营销部(客户服务中心)。 A.财务部 B.发展部 C.营销部 D.运检部 [简答题]论述渐进分化和综合贯通原则在教学中的运用。
[单选题]关节扭伤应采取先_的方法,肌肉抽筋应采取_的方法。( )
A.冷敷热敷 B.冷敷冷敷 C.热敷冷敷 D.热敷热敷 [单项选择]阴阳是( )
A. 古代的两点论 B. 相互对立的两个事物 C. 一个事物内部相互对立的两个方面 D. 矛盾 E. 对自然界相互关联的某些事物和现象对立双方的概括 [判断题]进站、接车进路信号机和自动闭塞区间并置的通过信号机处,钢轨绝缘可装在信号机前方或后方各2m的范围内。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]宗地图绘图纸的常用规格不包括( )K。
A.8 B.16 C.32 D.36 [判断题] 修补工具需要按住“ALT”键来帮助定义仿制图像的源。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]法人客户信用等级评定遵循的原则( )。(0.22分)
A.统一标准 B.定性为主 C.分级授权 D.动态调整 [单选题]影响各级各类学校在教育结构中所占比例的因素是( )。
A.人口的地域分布 B.人口的性别结构 C.人口的阶级构成 D.人口的年龄结构 [判断题] ( )传动轴的外径尺寸在30
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]杂文有哪些主要特征?
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