Several years ago during the dot-com
passion, Manhattan lawyer John Kennedy sometimes wore a dark blue suit to meet
potential Internet clients. But he soon realized that his conservative clothes
were a strike against him before he even shook hands. So he began to do business
in casual, open-shirt clothes. But now the tables have turned. Today Silicon Valley executives are the ones often coming out in suits. No wonder that Fortune 500 executives are dusting off their silk ties and pants. "I would say there is a trend now toward a little more business dress," said Kennedy. "I find myself wearing suits more." While there isn’t a rush toward formal office wear, clothiers and executives say the workplace uniform is heading that way. In many offices, men are wearing jackets, ties and pants more frequently than a year ago. Top wom A. the Manhattan law business grew very quickly B. shaking hands with clients became popular C. the country was fighting the conservatives D. the Internet companies boomed then [多选题]应急管理部设立消防救援局,作为消防救援队伍的领导指挥机关,省、市、县级分别设消防救援 、 、 。( )
A.总队 B.支队 C.大队 D.中队 [单选题]治疗顽固性呃逆的药物是
A.苯妥英钠 B.地西泮 C.异丙嗪 D.乙琥胺 E.氯丙嗪 [简答题]怎样检查避孕套(安全套)的质量?
[单选题]接地线应使用( )的线夹固定在导体上,禁止用缠绕的方法进行接地或短路。
A.A.普通 B.B.铜质 C.C.铁质 D.D.专用 E.略 F.略 [多选题]深层搅拌法大型工程设计前应先进行室内配合比试验,并应选在正式工程附近,地质条件相近的地点进行现场试验工程,检验( ),以及搅拌设备系统工作的稳定性。
A.搅拌土体的均匀性 B.搅拌土体的强度 C.搅拌土体着底标准 D.搅拌土体的结合性 E.搅拌土体的和易性 [多项选择]中风半身不遂应取()。
A. 手足少阳经穴 B. 手足太阳经穴 C. 手足少阴经穴 D. 手足厥阴经穴 E. 手足阳明经穴 [填空题]Dear Sir,
The enclosed resume shows some of the reasons why I believe I am qualified to assume (承担) the position of assistant product manager, listed in the July issue of Chinese Marketing magazine. Would you please consider me an applicant for that position Being a Chinese, I am eager to get a job in my homeland. As my resume shows, I received my B. A. in Marketing from Marquette University last month. For the past four years, I have worked for the Wisconsin Metals Company in Milwaukee, part-time while school was in session and full-time in summers. During these four years, I have performed various duties in the marketing department, including consumer research work for the product managers. In addition, my minor at Marquette was in chemistry, and I received A or B+ grades in all my chemistry. Look forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Shuguang Zhao When did he work full-time for Wisc [单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统信贷责任认定办法》规定,未按信贷资金结算规定支付信贷资金,或采取大额提现手段,致使信贷资金流向失控的,( )承担主要责任,( )承担次要责任;无人批准的,( )承担完全责任。
A.批准人员 会计人员 会计人员 B.会计人员 批准人员 放款操作人员 C.放款操作人员 批准人员 会计人员 D.会计人员 批准人员 会计人员 [单选题]关于地形图的说法,正确的是( )。
A.地形图属于专题地图 B.地形图的测量基准面是大地水准面 C.同一副地形图上的等高线越密,则地面坡度越小 D.地形图中的比例尺越小,图上显示的事物情况越详细 [单项选择]急性心肌梗死时最常见的心律失常是()
A. 心房颤动 B. 室性期前收缩及室性心动过速 C. 房室传导阻滞 D. 预激综合征 E. 非阵发性交界性心动过速 [单选题]( )不要接触低洼处的水源。低洼处的水源可能溶解有大量的硫化氢气体,而硫化氢溶于水后处于一种( )。
A. 稳定的状态不易挥发 B.不稳定的状态极易挥发 C.不稳定的状态不易挥发 D.稳定的状态极易挥发 [判断题]3.81.
线路、母线等电气设备的控制开关在断开状态,开关两侧的闸刀仍处于接通状态,称设备处于热备用状态. A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]外邪侵袭人体,是否引起感冒发病,取决于
A. 起居失常 B. 寒温失常 C. 饮食不当 D. 正气强弱 E. 气候突变 [单项选择]一侧肾癌的主要治疗方法是()。
A. 肾肿瘤剜除术 B. 单纯肾切除 C. 根治性肾切除术 D. 肾输尿管全切除 E. 化疗 [多选题]FIRD的正确操作是
A.腌制品用夹子夹好,不要遮挡到夹子尾部 B.腌好在2G 端打印时间纸,粘贴到周转箱赋予腌制品效期入鸡库 [单选题]动力主电路由电源开关、熔断器、接触器主触头、( )、电动机等组成。
A.按钮 B.时间继电器 C.速度继电器 D.热继电器 [多项选择]下列哪些属于行政许可的实施机关?()
A. 行政机关 B. 法律、法规授权的组织 C. 依法受行政机关委托的组织 D. 行政机关的内设机构 [判断题]从水泥加水拌合至水泥浆完全失去塑性开始并具有硬度的时间,称为初凝时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]区分新旧事物的标志在于它们是不是得到大多数人的承认。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大黄的止血化学成分是
A.大黄酸 B.α-儿茶素 C.大黄素 D.蒽苷 E.番泻苷A [判断题]使用前应检查吊钩、钢丝绳、转动装置及换向爪,吊钩、棘轮或换向爪磨损达7%者禁止使用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交