INFLUENCE BUYING BEHAVIOR Throughout the buying process, various factors may’ influence a buyer’s purchase decision. An awareness of these factors and consumer preferences enables companies to appeal to the group most likely to respond to its products and services. Some of these factors include the following. CULTURE. The culture and subcultures we belong to shape our values, attitudes, and beliefs, and they influence the way we respond to tike world around us. Understanding culture is therefore an increasingly important step in international business and in marketing in diverse countries such as [判断题]牵引电动机半悬挂时,约有一半的质量支在车轴上,属于簧下质量;另一半支在构架上,属于簧上质量,所以称为半悬挂,也叫轴悬式。( ) P94T414
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](三十六)患者,男性,46岁。因肝硬化门脉高压症入院,行TIPS治疗后医嘱用白米醋灌肠治疗。
3、灌肠液的量不超过( )
A.10毫升 B.20毫升 C.30毫升 D.200毫升 [多选题]中小企业主对资金的需求是____。( )
A.大多有融资需求 B.流动性要求高 C.流动性要求低 D.收益稳定 [单选题]设G01 X30 Z6执行G91 G01 Z15后,正方向实际移动量( )。
A.9mm B.21mm C.15mm [多选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍是国家综合性常备应急骨干力量,是应急救援的( )和( )。
A.主力军 B.后备军 C.预备队 D.国家队 [单项选择]电清切疵符号L表示()。
A. 棉结 B. 短粗 C. 长粗 D. 长细 [单项选择]Lance Armstrong is thirty-three years old and is one of the best athletes in the world. Scientists say his body operates better than the (47) person. For example, his heart can (48) more than two hundred times a minute. It pumps an extremely large amount of blood and oxygen to his legs.
Edward Coyle, head of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Texas in Aus tin, tested Armstrong five times from 1992 until 1995. Each time, the cyclist rode a (49) bike for twenty-five minutes with the work rate increasing every five minutes.
Scientists measured Armstrong’’s (50) against the amount of oxygen he breathed. Doctor Coyle discovered an 8% increase in Armstrong’’s muscle power. Doctor Coyle (51) Armstrong might have developed more of a certain kind of muscle during his seven years of training.
Doctor Coyle also discovered that Armstrong was able to reduce his body weight and body fat before his Tour de France victories. This enabled him to increase his pow
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从事辅助性工作和协助开展消防监督工作的消防文员应当具备大学专科(含)以上全日制学历,身体达到军队接收普通高等学校毕业生体格检查标准,并参加支队级(含)以上公安机关消防机构组织的不少于( )日的集中培训,经考试合格后方可上岗。
A.10日 B.15日 C.20日 D.30日 [单项选择]农信社发生重大信贷、操作风险事件的报告责任部门不包括()。
A. 信贷管理部门 B. 风险管理部门 C. 稽核监察部门 D. 财务会计部门 [单项选择]( )主要核对企业财务记录的可靠性和真实性
A. 外部审计 B. 管理审计 C. 内部审计 D. 全面审计 我来回答: 提交