{{B}}A Crisis of Confidence for
Masters of the Universe{{/B}} Meltdown. Collapse. Depression. Panic, The words would seem to apply equally to the global financial crisis and the effect of that crisis on the human psyche (精神). Of course, it is too soon to judge the tree psychiatric(精神上的) consequences of the economic breakdown; it will be some time before epidemiologists(流行病专家) can tell us for certain whether depression and suicide are on the rise. But there’s no question that the crisis is leaving its mark on individuals, especially men. One patient, a fund analyst, came to me recently in a state of great anxiety. "It’s bad, but it might get a lot worse," I recall him saying. The anxiety was expected and appropriate: he had lost a great deal of his (and others’) assets, and like the rest A. his anxiety about the market B. his easy intuitive feel for finance C. his lack of self-confidence D. his knowledge and skill [判断题]单人巡视,禁止攀登杆塔和配电变压器台架。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]饭店常用的证件包括哪些类别?
[填空题]严禁在仓库周边甚至仓内吸烟,严禁带入( )、( )或违章动火。
[单选题] 单眼近视过矫或远视欠矫,若误矫眼为优势眼,则在( )时专用误矫的优势眼,则无视疲劳。
A.看远 B.看远看近 C.看近 D.在远点 [单项选择]坐在低沙发上时,最好采用的女士坐姿是( )。
A. 双腿垂直式 B. 双腿斜放式 C. 双腿内敛式 D. 双腿交叉式 [单项选择]患者58岁,已绝经8年,因不规则出血来院检查诊断子宫内膜癌,下述哪项不是该病特点()
A. 生长缓慢 B. 转移较晚 C. 绝经后妇女多见 D. 疼痛出现较早 E. 5年存活率较高 [填空题]混凝土梁横向加固采用在梁体内侧增厚 ( )和增设横向联结板的方法。
[判断题] 不停电跨越架线的放线区段应尽量增加线档数量,牵引系统设备应经全面检查,确保完好。( )( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生灾情时,指挥中心要调取以下哪些信息资源,为指挥员决策提供支撑?[]
A.单位信息 B.灾情信息 C.力量信息 D.处置信息 E.对策信息 F.舆情信息 我来回答: 提交