{{B}}The Top 10 Cars that Americans Hate{{/B}} Times are so difficult for the auto industry that even Toyota and Honda have now experienced the kinds of double-digit sales dips that have been with American auto giants General Motors and Ford all year. Sales for the entire industry were down 25.6 percent collectively in September as consumers grew nervous about making big-ticket purchases. In good economic times and bad alike, however, there are some vehicles that American consumers seem to hate outright. And they’re not just the big SUVs that are currently out of favor. It turns out, the ears American consumers hate the most come in many different shapes and sizes, and they’re disliked for a wide array of reasons. "Buyers make the same choices and buy the safe brand," says Jessica Caldwell, man A. is cheaper B. gets more gas mileage C. is liked by its owners D. is a more popular brand [单选题] AB001 开发方式一般可分为两大类,一类是利用油藏的天然能量进行开采,另一类是采取( )油层能量进行开发。
A.人工补充 B.自然驱动 C.天然补充 D.自然补充 [填空题]以下程序的输出结果是 【12】 。
main( )
{ char *p=“abodefgh”,*r;
long *q;
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
American and Japanese researchers are developing a smart car that will help drivers avoid accidents by predicting when they are about to make a dangerous move. [判断题]对于客户服务中心下达的投诉工单,要在规定的时间内处理完毕,并向上级行反馈投诉责任认定结果。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]随着龋病的发生,牙菌斑内哪些细菌数量下降
A.变形链球菌 B.血链球菌 C.乳杆菌 D.放线菌 E.酵母菌 [单选题]户外110kV中性点接地系统高压配电装置场所的行车通道上,车辆(包括装载物)外廓至无遮栏带电部分之间的安全距离为( )m。
A.1.35 B.1.55 C.1.6 D.1.65 [简答题]只要迅速提高科学文化水平,我们才能适应大好形势的要求。
[单项选择]寿命相同的设备在租赁与购置的经济比选中,一般可采用( )。
A. 增量收益率 B. 内部收益率法 C. 净现值法 D. 投资回收期法 [名词解释]行政审判监督
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]表示血清学滴度平均水平的指标是
A. 算术均数 B. 几何均数 C. 中位数 D. 全距 E. 百分位数 [多项选择]患者男性,69岁,既往有高血压病史30年,平素血压控制不详。患者午睡后出现左侧肢体瘫痪2小时就诊。查体:血压200/120mmHg,嗜睡,左侧同向性偏盲,左侧瞳孔:右侧瞳孔=1.5mm:2.0mm,光反射存在,左侧眼裂变小,双眼球向右侧凝视,左侧鼻唇沟变浅,伸舌左偏,左侧肢体肌力0级,肌张力低,左侧肢体痛觉减退,左下肢巴氏征阳性。提问:溶栓并发症有哪些()
A. 梗死灶继发出血 B. 肺部感染 C. 血糖增高 D. 致命的再灌注损伤和脑水肿 E. 上消化道出血 F. 再闭塞 [单项选择]变流柜体内的湿度调节开关应该拨在多少()
A. 60% B. 70% C. 80% D. 50% [简答题]一回路系统在换料冷停堆状态下,P=Patm(大气压),为何将温度限制在20℃-50℃范围内?
A.设备编号-端子排号 B.设备名称-接线端子号 C.设备编号-接线端子号 [填空题]进程创建工作主要完成的是创建进程控制块(PCB),并把它挂到【 】队列中。
[判断题]实验动物感染寄生虫后,通常会吸收宿主的营养,从而影响宿主的生长发育,但是不会对动物实验结果造成影响。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 教师命题时,应注意()。
A.命题的指向性; B.命题的随意性; C.命题的有效性; D.命题的全面性 [多选题]国家秘密,按照工作对象分为()
A.科学技术保密经济保密涉外保密 B.公文保密会议保密宣传报道保密 C.政法保密军事工程保密 D. 通讯保密计算机保密 [填空题]进口压力容器的国外制造企业必须取得国家质量技术监督部门颁发的()。
A. 一般卧床休息2~4周,蛛网膜下隙出血应绝对卧床4~6周 B. 保持气道通畅 C. 有意识障碍、缺氧现象患者给予吸氧 D. 定期翻身、肢体被动活动、气垫床等措施防治压疮 E. 加强口腔护理,及时吸痰 [单项选择]下列不属于各类教育科学实验共同特点的是( )
A. 有明确的研究假设 B. 对自变量进行操作,即要有实验处理 C. 合理地控制无关变量 D. 要建立实验的特质目标(测评目标体系)并实施测评 [单项选择] To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries centered primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods and then change them into money.
Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell Whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first try to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.
This concept does not imply that business is benevolent (慈善的) or that consumer satisfact
A. to sell the largest possible amount of goods B. to make the goods as attractive as possible C. to produce the goods as efficiently as possible D. to focus greatly on the needs of the consumers [判断题] 轨道电路钢轨绝缘处的轨缝应保持在6~10mm,两轨头部应在同一平面,高低相差不大于2mm
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]赵某为谷某拍摄写真后,征得谷某同意将其照片上传微博进行宣传。某公司看到谷某该组写真照后,擅自将其印制在日历上进行销售。对某公司的行为,下列哪一选项是正确的?
A.侵害谷某的身体权和肖像权 B.侵害谷某的肖像权和赵某的著作权 C.侵害谷某的隐私权和赵某的著作权 D.不构成侵权 [单项选择]猩红热的临床特征不包括()
A. 帕氏线 B. 柯氏斑 C. 杨梅舌 D. 手套状脱皮 E. 口周苍白圈 [判断题]115、通信机房应采用外部防雷和内部防雷措施进行综合防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火灾调查人员与所调查的火灾事故有利害关系,可能影响公正调查的应当回避。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人的不安全行为大多是因为对安全不重视、态度不正确、技能或知识不足、健康或生理状态不佳和劳动条件不良等因素造成的.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全是相对的,当风险低于某种程度时,则认为是安全的。这一观点的理论依据是( )。
A. 因果连锁理论 B. 系统安全理论 C. 扰动起源理论 D. 能量意外释放理论 [判断题]经常有人工作的场所及施工车辆上应配备急救箱,存放急救用品,并应指定专人定期检查、补充或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]设有纵坡的桥梁换梁时,采用改变支座上座板顶面坡度的方式以适应梁体的坡度要求。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交