Anyone who doubts that global financial
markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the
"tigers" of the Far East. Last year, the value of their currencies dropped
rapidly, after investors decided that their economic policies were not strong
enough; now the region is suffering slower growth, lower living standards and
rising unemployment. The situation in Asia shows how power has shifted from individual governments to the markets. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice, they must conform to a global economic model or risk being penalized by the markets. Adjusting to this new "economic order" is A. Wages stop rising. B. Wages are so high that there is no need to rise. C. There is a pause in wages, but they will soon rise. D. Wages begin to fall. [单项选择]I can't understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.
A. compliment B. criticize C. flatter D. challenge [单项选择]在疏散通道上的防火卷帘的任一侧距卷帘纵深0.5~5m内应设置不少于2只专门用于联动防火卷帘的()探测器。
A. 感温 B. 感烟 C. 感光 D. 气体 [单项选择]Ils ont quitté _____ père, _____ mère et _____ amis.
A. son ... sa ... ses B. leur ... leur ... leur C. leur ... leur ... leurs D. leur ... leur ... ses [填空题]鸡的单侧或双侧眼睛虹膜失去正常色素,呈同心环状或斑点状以至弥漫的灰白色,瞳孔边缘不整齐,严重时瞳孔只剩下针尖大小的孔,这是由()引起的。
[判断题]CR400AF系列动车组救援时优先选择过渡车钩连挂的重联模式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](判断题).坩埚为烧制而成的瓷质煅烧工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](48.依据《生产安全事故应急预案管理办法》第30条规定:若应急预案管理部门要求修订,应急预案应当及时进行修订。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]降低封闭区域两端的压差可以减少老采空区瓦斯涌出。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]怎样理解‚车主永远是对的这句话的含义?
A. 上直肌 B. 下斜肌 C. 外直肌 D. 上斜肌 E. 下直肌 [单项选择]患者,男,2006年大学毕业,同年5月右腿麻木,8月左腿也麻木,9月出现行走困难,11月在当地医院行手术探查为T2、3脊髓血管畸形后关闭。在手术探查伤口愈合期间病情加重,出现胸以下感觉异常,双下肢瘫痪,大小便失禁。2007年2月11号转某大医院诊疗,诊断为T2、3脊髓畸形,神经外科医生叫患者放弃,说做不做都会瘫痪。但患者家属执意要求医生为其孩子做手术。上述病例从伦理学上分析,下述哪一个说法是正确的()。
A. 医生的说法是正确的 B. 医生应耐心给家属解释此病的危害,叫患者家属接受事实 C. 医生的做法是错误的,他应尽医生最大的责任给予治疗,将损害减少到最低限度 D. 患者家属应听从医生的安排 E. 以上都不对 [单选题]半夏与天南星都忌用的病证是( )。
A.热痰 B.寒痰 C.湿痰 D.痰核 E.风痰 [单项选择]在一般情况下,()的流体走壳程。
A. 粘度高,流量大 B. 粘度高,流量小 C. 粘度低,流量大 D. 粘度低,流量小 [单项选择]"Why did Janet want to be a nurse
A. Nurses are highly respected by people. B. Nurses have good salaries. C. Nursing is very important. D. Her parents asked her to be a nurse. [多项选择]广义的物流量应当反映商品流动过程中的装卸搬运作业量、商品()以及商品的包装、流通加工等的作业量。
A. 储存量 B. 运输量 C. 需求量 D. 销售量 我来回答: 提交