Money is a key element in economic and
business activities and has been the theme of many witty remarks. Benjamin
Franklin once wrote, "Money makes money, and the money (61)
makes, makes more money." To most of us, money is (62) but the currency of a country. But to some people, money is either the best friend or the worst demon. To (63) ,however, money is a subject for study and for something to be money, it must at (64) have the following characteristics: portability, divisibility, stability, durability and acceptability. (65) , nowadays, money has got a lot of (66) : credit cards, debit cards, access cards, IC cards, etc, but they are usually (67) plastic money or electronic money, because they are used like money. (68) a credit card, for example, you can buy books and ties, pay A. leave B. go C. return D. come [单项选择]{{B}}SECTION A CONVERSATIONS{{/B}}
{{I}} In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.{{/I}}
{{B}}{{I}} Questions 1 to 4 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the conversation.{{/B}}{{/I}}When will the concert end
A. 8:30. B. 11:00. C. 10:30. D. 9:30. [多项选择]固定义齿的组成成分()
A. 固位体 B. 基牙 C. 桥体 D. 连接体 E. 基托 [简答题]邻近营业线施工是指什么?
A.青霉素V钾 B.苯唑西林 C.羟氨苄西林(阿莫西林) D.氨苄西林 E.磺苄西林 [填空题]扣车后原则上是“( )”。在ATS故障时,对原ATS扣停的列车,经行调授权后由相关车站放行。
A.A县法院 B.B县法院 C.A县法院与B县法院的共同上一级人民法院C D.由C法院指定法院 [单项选择]刘女士,32岁,初产妇,孕39周,诉头痛,眼花,胃疼1周入院,血压175/105mmHg,尿蛋白(+++),下肢水肿(++),胎心150次/分。刘女士最可能的诊断是()
A. 轻度妊高征 B. 中度妊高征 C. 子痫 D. 重度子痫前期 E. 肾病综合征 [单项选择]下列哪种药物不宜长期使用:()
A. 降血压药 B. 降血糖药 C. 降血脂药 D. 中枢镇咳药 [判断题]数据链路层数据的单位为比特。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]宫颈上皮包括
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]审美形态不仅是一种感性的形态,又是一种()
A. 形式分类形态 B. 逻辑分类形态 C. 内容分类形态 D. 抽象存在形态 [判断题]服务机构提供的服务的质量水平必须高于客户的期望值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于漏电检测仪的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.探测时无须接触电源并随着与漏电电源距离的接近,报警频率增加。 B.利用漏电检测仪进行探测时,必须接触电源。 C.漏电检测仪对直流电不起作用。 D.高压场合应选用低灵敏度或目标前置式漏电检测仪。 我来回答: 提交