China’s employment and re-employment
situation remains tough with a surge this year in the number of graduates
hitting the job market and in unemployment in general, a senior official
said. The country’s registered average unemployment rate in urban areas reached 4 percent last year and is expected to go higher this year, Labour and Social Security Minister Zheng Silin told Xinhua yesterday. There are nearly 14 million laid-off workers in urban areas so far. And more than 10 million new graduates are predicted to enter the work force, Zheng said. To make things worse, the nation’s agricultural adjustment has forced more than 150 million rural workers to quit farming. Many of them will head to the cities to seek employment, posing uncertainties for the State, he said. Zheng, who was appointed as the minister during A. describe the difficult employment situation B. urge his departments nationwide to do more to help solving the problem C. warn people of unemployment problem D. explain the present employment situation [多选题]下列关于基坑开挖的说法,正确的是()。
A.场地开挖一般采取由上而下、分块分段分层进行 B.相邻基坑开挖时应先浅后深或同时进行 C.在基坑边缘上侧堆土或材料以及移动施工机械时,应与基坑边缘保持1m以上距离 D.填土应按不同土透水性从小到大,自下而上分层回填 E.填土压实的分层厚度、压实遍数只与压实机械的功率有关,与填土含水情况无关 [单项选择]银行业营业网点服务突发事件应急处理的第一责任人是()。
A. 网点负责人 B. 大堂经理 C. 理财经理 D. 营业主管 [单选题]在确认()阀关闭后,才能进行原料管线的吹扫操作。
A.原料调节阀 B.原料电磁阀 C.原料根部阀 D.裂解炉原料供给泵出口阀 [简答题]什么是太阳常数?
A.寒 B.暑 C.湿 D.风 E.火 [单项选择]按照我国选举法的规定,全国和地方各级人民代表大会的代表,受选民和原选举单位的监督。选民或者选举单位都有权罢免自己选出的代表。罢免代表采用()。
A. 记名表决方式 B. 口头表决方式 C. 举手表决方式 D. 无记名表决方式 [单项选择]声音卡的精度通常用量化位数表示,在生成波形声音时,声音卡的精度曾有如下几种,而目前主流声卡所采用的精度为( )。
A. 32位 B. 16位 C. 12位 D. 8位 [单项选择]已知某疏水器的排水阀孔直径为10mm,疏水器前后的压力差为180kPa,排水系数为13.8,则该疏水器的排水量为()kg/h。
A. 1956 B. 1851 C. 1652.7 D. 387.6 [单项选择]女性,25岁,突然大咯血,已妊娠5个月,胸片示:右上浸润型肺结核,下列哪种药不能使用()
A. 垂体后叶素 B. 卡巴克洛(安络血) C. 止血芳酸 D. 抗血纤溶芳酸 E. 普鲁卡因 [多项选择]下列各项中计入工业企业其他业务成本的有()。
A. 生产车间领用低值易耗品的摊销额 B. 采用成本模式计量投资性房地产计提的折旧 C. 结转销售原材料的成本 D. 以经营租赁方式出租大型设备计提的折旧 我来回答: 提交