In this new era, the single most
immediate and most serious challenge to America traditional identity comes from
the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from
Mexico, and the fertility (生育) rates of these immigrants compared to black and
white American natives. Americans like to boast of their past success in
assimilating (同化) millions of immigrants into their society, culture, and
politics. But Americans have tended to generalize about immigrants without
distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of
immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequences. As a result, they
have overlooked the unique characteristics and problems posed by contemporary
Hispanic immigration. The extent and nature of this immigration differ
fundamentally from those of previous A. various immigrant flows will help the promotion of English language B. an abrupt stop in Mexican immigration is around the corner C. the sudden stop in legal immigration will often cause a sudden increase in illegal entries D. former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan is strongly against Mexican immigration to the US [单项选择]The war at ______ in Northern New York proved to be a great turning point of the War of Independence.
A. Lexington B. Concord C. Yorktown D. Saratoga [多选题]巡视电容补偿装置时,除一般项目和要求外,还要注意以下几点:()
A.电容器外壳应无膨胀、变形、接缝应无开裂、无渗漏油 B.熔断器、放电回路及附属装置应完好 C.电抗器无异声异味,空心电抗器线圈本体及附近铁磁件无过热现象;油浸式电抗器油位正常符合要求,无渗油现象 D.室内温度应符合规定,通风良好 [多选题]实现担保物权案件,应向( )基层人民法院提出
A.申请人住所地 B.被申请人所在地 C.担保财产所在地 D.担保物权登记地 [判断题]一般民用建筑由基础、墙或柱、楼层底板、楼梯、屋顶、门窗六大部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]门座起重机变幅机构属于()变幅的机构。
A. 带载 B. 不带载 [单项选择]That fellow ______ at long distance running.
A. excels B. exceeds C. surpasses D. overtakes [单项选择]The music that Americans are used to()to might sound strange to someone from another culture.
A. listen B. be listened C. listening D. listened [单选题]变压器的吸收比,用以考核设备的()。( )
A.空载损耗 B.绝缘干燥度 C.阻抗电压 D.零部件的清洁程度 [单选题]封闭式基金年度收益分配比例不得低于基金年度已实现收益的( )。
A.90% B.80% C.50% D.20% [多选题]色灯信号机用()等来表示信号。
A.灯光颜色 B.灯光数目 C.亮灯状态 D.信号机高矮 [单项选择]颈部转移性肿瘤,颈部以外原发灶多见于()。
A. 鼻咽部 B. 肺 C. 乳房 D. 胃肠道 E. 心脏 [单项选择]脚手架的钢管使用前必须进行()处理。
A. 防冻 B. 退火 C. 防锈 [单项选择]某桥梁工程,全长1.2km,基础采用钻孔桩,桥梁墩台采用实心墩,桥梁上部结构采用连续梁桥。
施工单位对钻孔桩施工、实心墩施工和连续梁桥施工都设置了质量控制点,其中对连续梁桥施工中设置的质量控制点为: (1)支架施工; (2)浇筑施工; (3)挂篮悬臂施工; (4)预应力梁施工。 在支架上浇筑现浇预应力混凝土连续梁时,支架稳定,强度、刚度的要求应符合规范要求,验算倾覆稳定系数不得小于( )。 A. 1.0 B. 1.3 C. 1.5 D. 1.7 [判断题]阻力降超过允许值是换热器常见的一种故障。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题].碱性速凝剂易引起混凝土后期强度损失,且存在碱骨料反应的风险,不利于混凝土的强度和耐久性,因此制备喷射混凝时应尽可能的避免使用碱性速凝剂。 ()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列所述的哪些是ICMP协议的功能?()
A.报告TCP连接超时信息 B.报告路由更新错误信息 C.查找子网掩码 D.转发SNMP数据 E.重定向UDP消息 [单选题]关于便利店仓库货品摆放安全检查方面,下列说法正确的是( )
A.店内摄像头的数量配置是否合理 B.商品是否在有效期内 C.仓库货架和托盘配置是否满足要 D.便利店防盗门防盗窗是否有效 [判断题]边检站为维护口岸正常出入境秩序,应防止无关人员和交通运输工具进入口岸限定区域。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第八条规定,旅客运输的运送期间自( )时止计算。
A.售出车票起至到站出站 B.检票进站起至到站出站 C.检票进站起至上车 D.售出车票起至上车 [单项选择]对生产不同定、账册不健全、财务管理和会计核算水平较低、产品零星、税源分散的单位应当采用( )税款征收方式。
A. 查账征收 B. 查定征收 C. 查验征收 D. 定期定额征收 我来回答: 提交