People are moving to cities in droves. In 1950,
two-thirds of the worlds’ population lived in the countryside. New York was then
the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are 20 such
megacities, and more are on the way. Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread of urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75%--85%. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next A. the side effects of urbanization B. megacities in developing countries C. the causes behind immigration to cities D. ways to slow down the pace of immigration [单项选择]淋巴结内T细胞的聚集区是:()。
A. 淋巴结生发中心 B. 淋巴小结帽 C. 副皮质区 D. 髓质淋巴窦 E. 皮质淋巴窦 [单选题]【单选】直放站的接收基站的天线又叫( )。[1分]
A.转发天线 B.基站发射天线 C.施主天线 D.基站接收天线 [判断题]"三遥"站所终端具备开关远程控制功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通过对桥隧建筑物的( ),及时消灭超限和临近超限处所,保持桥隧设备状态经常均衡完好,确保行车安全平稳。
A.重点大修 B.一般大修 C.经常保养 D.综合维修 [单选题]国家强制煤矿企业必须为井下作业职工办理的保险,是()。
A.意外伤害 B.工伤 C.人身 D.人寿 [单项选择]用于幽门螺杆菌感染根除的治疗()
A. 奥美拉唑+甲硝唑 B. 奥美拉唑+阿莫西林+克拉霉素 C. 奥美拉唑20mgqd D. 奥美拉唑20mgbid E. 奥美拉唑10mgbid [多选题]有关氯丙嗪的叙述,正确的是
A.分子中有吩噻嗪环 B.为多巴胺受体拮抗剂 C.具人工冬眠作用 D.由于遇光分解产生自由基,部分病人在强日光下发生光毒化反应 E.用于治疗精神分裂症,亦用于镇吐等 我来回答: 提交