男性,42岁。因急性肠梗阻频繁呕吐,出现口渴、尿少、脱水征、血压偏低。 |
In politics, in the courts, even on the
ubiquitous TV talkshow, it is good form to pick an intellectual fight. People
attack each other- hurl insults, even- and it counts as logical argument. I
cannot understand it. It seems that our society favours a kind of ritualized aggression. Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. We hear of battles, duels and disputes. We see things in terms of winners and losers, victors and victims. The problem is society’s unquestioning belief in the advantages of the debate as a way of solving disagreements, even proving right from wrong. Our brainwashing begins early at school, when the brightest pupils are co-opted onto the debating system. They get there because they can think up a good argument to support their case. Once on the debate A. (A) attacking or abusing stealthily B. (B) mocking or scoffing with tongs C. (C) compromising or consulting with a hammer D. (D) quarrelling or fighting noisily [多项选择]简单应用题
编写函数fun( ),该函数的功能是从字符串中删除指定的字符,同一字母的大、小写按不同字符处理。
例如:程序执行时输入字符串为turbo c and borland c++,从键盘上输入字符n,则输出后变为turbo c ad borlad c++。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]三相交流换向器异步电动机可以交直流两用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]芒硝入煎剂的用法是
A.包煎 B.先煎 C.冲服 D.后下 E.煎汤代水 [多选题]不动产权利登记制度的主要特点包括( )。
A.登记权利的现状 B.登记机构对登记申请采取形式审查 C.登记没有公信力 D.对抗善意第三人 E.在法律上有绝对的效力 [判断题]净现值与净现值率的共同缺点是均不能反映投资项目的实际收益率。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安全保卫检查实行验证登记制度,非信用社系统人员不得进入金库检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大椎与肩峰连线中点的穴位为
A. 曲垣 B. 天髎 C. 肩井 D. 秉风 [单项选择]调查问卷设计的过程当中,对于问题的设计需要注意的是()
A. 一个问题可以包括两个以上的问题 B. 常用中性问题来提问 C. 不能出现抽象的问题 D. 不能出现敏感的问题 E. 尽量使用一些俗语 [简答题]闸阀关闭不严、漏水的原因?
[多选题]滑床板应无影响道岔转换的脱焊、( )等。
A.A、断裂 B. B、塌陷 C. C、凹槽 D.D、倾斜 我来回答: 提交