Assuming that a constant travel-time
budget, geographic constraints and short-term infrastructure constraints persist
as fundamental features of global mobility, what long-term results can one
expect In high-income regions, (41) North America, our
picture suggests that the share of traffic (42) supplied by
buses and automobiles will decline as high-speed transport rises sharply. In
developing countries, we (43) the strongest increase to be
in the shares first for buses and later for automobiles. Globally, these
(44) in bus and automobile transport are partially
offsetting. In all regions, the share of lowspeed mil transport will probably
continue its strongly (45) decline. We expect that throughout the period 1990~2050, the (46) North American will continue to devote most of his or her 1.1-hour tr A. works out B. leaves out C. runs out D. puts out [单选题]I-209联锁的目的
A.F5-1441低液位保护 B.F5-1441高压保护 C.F5-1441高高液位保护 D.F5-1441低压保护 [判断题]分多个避车台避车时,本线来车方向最前端避车台由现场防护员带领其他作业人员避车,本线来车方向最末端避车台由作业负责人带领其他人员避车。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]智能采集设备安装宜停电进行,若不停电进行,应戴墨镜,并保持对地绝缘。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]执业过程中可以未按规定履行客户身份识别义务,为身份不明的客户办理业务或为客户开立匿名账户、假名账户的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]所有升降口、大小口洞、楼梯和平台,必须装设不低于()的栏杆。
A. 1.5m; B. 1.2m; C. 1m; D. 1.4m; [单选题]总队每( )应当组织1次安全分析。
A.半月 B.月 C.半年 D.季度 [判断题]根据《电力安全工作规程 风电场》( Q/GDW 10799.5—2017),吊篮、检修平台内严禁使用梯、凳、搁板等登高工具,严禁奔跑纵跳。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]给予消防救援人员处分,如果违法违纪问题复杂或者遇有其他特殊情形的,调查处理期限可以延长,但是最长不得超过( )。
A.一个月 B.三个月 C.六个月 D.十二个月 [单选题]变压器呼吸器的作用是()。
A.用以清除吸入空气中的杂质和水分 B.用以清除变压器油中的杂质和水分 C.用以吸收和净化变压器匝间短路时产生的烟气 D.用以清除变压器各种故障时产生的油烟 [单选题]轻度贫血的程度
A.Hb90-120g/L B.Hb60-89g/L C.Hb30-59g/L D.Hb90-110g/L E.Hb小于30g/L 我来回答: 提交