Task One-Job ·For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H. ·For each extract, decide which job each speaker was interviewed for. ·Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A marketing manager B computer programmer C secretary D personnel management assistant E engineering manager F maintenance supervisor G finance director H qual [单选题]教语文的邢老师与教数学的程老师应家长的要求,利用寒假组织所教班级的十余个学生补课一周,每人收取了600元补课费。他们的做法( )
A.违反市教委禁止乱办班、乱补课、乱收费规定 B.符合按劳取酬,多劳多得的社会主义分配原则 C.体现教师勤奋敬业认真负责精神 D.侵犯了学生的教育权 [单项选择]患者男性,23岁。半年多来腹胀、乏力、食欲减退,查体:巩膜无黄染,无肝掌、蜘蛛痣,腹平软,肝右肋下5cm,脾侧位可扪及。实验室检查:ALT100U/L,ALB38g/L,球蛋白35g/L,胆红素正常,凝血酶原活动度为76%。本病例诊断是()
A. 急性无黄疸型病毒性肝炎 B. 慢性轻度病毒性肝炎 C. 慢性中度病毒性肝炎 D. 慢性重度病毒性肝炎 E. 慢性病毒性肝炎伴肝硬化 [判断题]矿体与围岩的关系是指矿体产于何种岩石之中。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 《银行保险机构涉刑案件管理办法(试行)》规定,有下列情形之一,可能演化为案件的事件,属于案件风险事件:()
A.银行机构从业人员、保险机构高管人员因不明原因离岗、失联的 B.客户反映非自身原因账户资金、保单状态出现异常的; C.大额授信企业及其法定代表人或实际控制人失联或被采取强制措施的 D.同业业务发生重大违约的;" [判断题]电动机按铭牌数值工作时,短时运行的定额工作制用s2表示。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] 以下对保险产品非渴求性特点的理解中,错误的是()。 ①“非渴求性”是指消费者对保险产品通常会有一种购买惰性或抗衡心理 ②“非渴求性”的程度会因不同的保险产品而有所不同 ③“非渴求性”意味着不论怎么推销,消费者都不会买 ④对于“非渴求性”产品,推销是有积极意义的
A. ①② B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①②③④ [单项选择]基层单位连、排级军官职务的任免,应当听取基层单位()的意见。
A. 军官 B. 士兵 C. 主官 D. 党组织 [判断题]装、拆个人保安线需要做好装、拆记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] According to a survey in the US, age and gender have great influence on the frequency of heart attacks.
Less than 6% of all heart attacks occur in the 29 to 44 age group. The number of women who suffer heart attacks in this group is negligible(微不足道的)——only 3000 per year, compared to 123,000 men.
However the proportion of men and women with heart attacks rises dramatically between 45 and 64, with over half a million per year. Over 420,000 men a year in this age group have heart attacks. The incidence amongst women increases——women have one heart attack for every three men in this age group.
Over the age of 65, the number of men suffering heart attacks only increases slightly. However there is a huge increase in the number of women with heart attacks——they comprise over 40% of all victims.
From the survey, it is clear that men are more likely to be the victims of heart attacks at all ages, but women are increasingly likely over the age of 60.
题干:四级耐火等级建筑是指主要构件除防火墙采用( )外,其余构件为难燃烧体和可燃烧体且满足相应耐火极限要求的建筑。 (A)易燃烧体 (B)可燃烧体 (C)难燃烧体 (D)不燃烧体 A.易燃烧体 B.可燃烧体 C.难燃烧体 D.不燃烧体 [单选题]辅警柳河在执勤过程中,在马路中因正确指挥交通,其中驾驶摩托车的胡凯闯红灯为躲避民警所在位置而侧翻,请问造成的损失由谁承担?()
A.辅警柳河 B.摩托车主胡凯 C.辅警柳河所在公安机关 D.辅警柳河所在公安机关的同级人民政府 我来回答: 提交