Greg Focker, played by Ben Stiller, represents a generation of American kids (1) in the 1980s on the philosophy that any achievement, however slight, (2) a ribbon. (3) replaced punishment; criticism became a dirty word. In Texas, teachers were advised to (4) using red ink, the colour of (5) . In California, a task force was set up to (6) the concept of self worth into the education system. Swathing youngsters in a (7) shield of self-esteem, went the philosophy, would protect them from the nasty things in life, such as bad school grades, underage sex, drug abuse, dead-end jobs and criminality.
(8) that the ninth-place ribbons are in danger of strangling the (9) children they were Supposed to help. America’s (10) with self-esteem—like all developments in psychology, it gradually (11) its way to Britain—has turned children who were (12) with (13) into adults who (1
A. exactly
B. very
C. specific
D. special
There are advantages and disadvantages to (21) Asian and Western educational method. For example, one advantage (22) the education in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science (23) American students. They also study more hours each day than Americans (24) . The study is difficult, but it (25) students for a society that values discipline(纪律)and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, (26) many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.
The advantage to the education in North American, (27) the other hand, is that students learn to think by themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values (28) ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven’t memorized (29) many basic rules and facts as students in oth
A. more
B. less
C. good
D. as
某地区各类别教育情况表 单位:千人 | ||||||
类别 | 2003 | 2004 | ||||
招生人数 | 在校人数 | 毕业生人数 | 招生人数 | 在校人数 | 毕业生人数 | |
研究生 | 2 | 5 | 1.6 | 3 | 6.4 | 2.2 |
普通高等 | 34 | 102 | 32 | 43 | 113 | 38 |
中等职业 | 46 | 124 | 47 | 54 | 131 | 48 |
普通高中 | 57 | 153 | 56 | 58 | 155 | 59 |
初中 | 132 | 401 | 130 | 136 | 406 | 142 |
普通小学 | 121 | 704 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多选题]根据互感器的绝缘结构可分为( )互感器。
A.干式 B.固体浇注式 C.油浸式 D.气体绝缘式 [多项选择]根据《商标法实施细则》第43条的规定,对侵犯注册商标专用权的,工商行政管理机关可以采取措施制止侵权行为()。
A. 责令立即停止销售 B. 收缴并销毁侵权商标标识 C. 将全部案卷移交司法机关处理 D. 消除现存商品上的侵权商标 [单项选择]无线电应急示位标发射电波的覆盖范围约为()。
A. 20nmile B. 50nmile C. 100nmile [多选题]钻井液主要由水、()组成。
A.粘土 B.北学处理剂 C.北学添加剂。 D.加重材料 [单选题]
患者女性,32岁。主诉外阴瘙痒难忍、伴尿急、尿痛3天。妇科检查:外阴红肿有抓痕,小阴唇内侧和阴道粘膜红肿,阴道粘膜附着有白色膜状物,剥离后见小糜烂面为该患者行阴道冲洗的溶液应选择(0分) A.1:2000苯扎嗅铵 B.1:5000呋喃西林 C.0.5%醋酸 D.2%-4%碳酸氢钠 E.1:5000高锰酸钾 [单选题]化学战剂主要有几种“毒剂( )
A.2种 B.3种 C.4种 D.5种 [单选题]《道岔保养质量评定标准》规定:道岔两尖轨尖端相错量大于 20mm、无缝道岔位移超过 10mm, 每个扣( )分。
A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 41 [单选题]接触轨授流面在两相邻绝缘支架处的坡度不超过( )(端部弯头除外)。
A.1‰ B.2‰ C.3‰ D.4‰ 我来回答: 提交