When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar (1) a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up, (2) I had never worked at the bar before. I (3) that instead of making money, I would end up owing it."You can do it," said my mother," (4) , you won’t get much business until lunch. ""But I’ll never remember the orders, and I’m no good (5) money. Please, Mom, don’t (6) me."Then I’ll help you", she said.I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mother’s (7) was a bad one, but I (8) .When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was (9) . Because the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks. (10) , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed (11) , I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I (12) a cup into pieces. What a
A. guessed
B. obeyed
C. begged
D. admitted
The history of African-Americans during
the past 400 years is traditionally narrated (21) an ongoing
straggle against (22) and indifference on the part of the
American mainstream, and a straggle (23) as an upward
movement is (24) toward ever more justice and opportunity.
Technology in and of (25) is not at fault; it’s much too
simple to say that gunpowder or agricultural machinery or fiber optics
(26) been the enemy of an (27) group of
people. A certain machine is put (28) work in a certain
way-the purpose (29) A. them B. us C. themselves D. ourselves [判断题]个人住房贷款的借款人可以根据需要选择还款方法,但是一笔借款合同只能选择一种还款方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](234583)( )经过水冷壁出来的汽水混合物,由汽包内的汽水分离装置将水汽分离,水进入下降管,饱和汽进入过热器进行过热。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]气管插管中如何防止牙齿的损伤?
A. when B. until C. unless D. before [单项选择]怀疑为前组筛窦炎时检查前采用的引流体位()
A. 低头,面向下将额部或鼻尖抵在某一平面 B. 头位稍向后仰 C. 头位直立 D. 头前倾90度,健耳向上 E. 头位顺意 [单选题] 新出具的履历本、产品合格证、验收证明只允许更改( )处。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]机械密封的特点()
A. 结构简单 B. 性能优良使用寿命长 C. 功率消耗小 D. 适用于输送酸、碱及易燃易爆和有毒的液体 [单项选择]在校正一直线形系列柱模板时,程序是 ____
A. 在右端第一根起,逐根拉线进行 B. 在左端第一根起,逐根拉线进行 C. 从中间一根起,逐根拉线进行 D. 先校正左右两端的端基础,在拉统线进行 [判断题]断路器在使用中应无不正常升温。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血虚所致经行头痛的首选方剂是()
A. 黄芪建中汤 B. 人参养荣汤 C. 四物汤 D. 八珍汤 E. 四君子汤 [单选题]允许速度vmax≤120 km/h正线及到发线,50 kg/m钢轨垂直磨耗超过( )判重伤。
A.8 mm B.9mm C.10 mm D.11mm [多选题]价值评价的特点是()。
A. 以主客体的价值关系为认识对象 B. 评价结果与评价主体直接相关 C. 评价结果的正确与否依赖于对客体状况和主体需要的认识 D. 有科学与非科学之分 [多选题]防火墙访问控制规则配置步骤包括以下哪几项()
A.定义源地址 B.定义目的地址 C.启用规则 D.定义服务端口号 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]患者伤后一侧瞳孔立即散大,直接、间接对光反射均消失,多见于()
A. 原发性脑干损伤,损伤位于中脑 B. 原发性脑干损伤,损伤位于脑桥 C. 原发性动眼神经损伤 D. 原发性视神经损伤 E. 幕上血肿致脑疝形成 [单项选择]关于完全性心内膜垫缺损的超声多普勒所见,下列叙述哪一项是错误的()
A. 收缩期可见蓝色血流束从左室通过二尖瓣关闭线进入左房 B. 超声多普勒血流从左房通过房间膈下部缺损至右房沿三尖瓣口直达右室腔 C. 舒张期有两股红色(向探头)血流束入左室 D. 一股蓝色血流从左室经膜部间隔心房部缺损进入右房 E. 收缩期可见蓝色血流束从右室通过三尖瓣关闭线进入右房 [多选题]虚拟柜员由省联社统一编排,通过柜员信息项标识字段区分设备类型:()等。
A.. B.TM自动柜员 C.. D.ST自动柜员 E..POS自动柜员 F..移动营销自动柜员 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]附件10航空固定电信网中规定当第一个转报电台发现收到一份有错发单位或没有发电单位的电报则应停止处理该电报,并发出该电报的电台发出一份公电。该公务电报的电文不包括:()
A. 简字SVC B. 程序信号QTA C. 所拒绝电报的发送识别 D. 程序信号OGM [填空题]党的最高领导机关 ,是( )和( )。
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