Strengthening IP protection: from legislation to
enforcement Laws are in place to protect intellectual property (IP) rights in the Gulf. But enforcement has generally been weak. However, as governments look at ways to diversify away from oil, IP protection is becoming a bigger concern; not just to protect local knowledge-based industries, but also to attract foreign investment. This senior-level event will present a series of practical recommendations for change, drawing on the expertise of business and political leaders in the Gulf region. IP protection is a global as well as a regional issue, and Gulf-initiatives are be A. A.Because they are senior executives. B.Because they work in Gulf. C.Because they are responsible for their company. D.Because they are responsible for IP management. [单选题]触碰安全红线,给予()的,按照《青岛动车段安全责任追究实施办法》和《青岛动车段贯彻<济南铁路局职工奖惩实施办法>的实施意见》规定的程序办理实施。
A.记过处分 B.警告处分 C.记大过处分 D.行政处分 [简答题] 什么叫执行机构的正作用与反作用?
A.肺与脾 B.肺与肾 C.心与肾 D.肝与脾 E.与水液代谢和呼吸运动有关的是 [多项选择]开放式基金与封闭式基金的主要区别有()。
A. 基金规模的可变性不同 B. 基金的买卖方式不同 C. 基金的价格决定因素不同 D. 基金的投资策略不同 E. 基金的融资渠道不同 [单选题]( )塔里木油田井下作业井控实施细则,井控设计要求:具有自喷能力的( )应安装剪切闸板总成,配套安装自动点火装置。
A. 高产井. B.高含硫井. C.高压气井. D.高含硫井、高压气井 [单选题] I‘ve never () him before.
A. heard of B. hear from C. heard to D. hear of [单选题]在免费送回区间,站车均应告之旅客不得自行中途下车。如中途下车,对往返乘车
的免费区间,按( )分别核收往返区间的票价,核收一次手续费。 A.旅客所乘较低列车等级 B.返程所乘列车等级 C.旅客所乘较高列车等级 D.往程所乘列车等级 [单项选择]患者,女性,病毒性肝炎且HBeAg及抗-HBc阳性,于昨日正常分娩一女婴,指导母乳喂养时注意()
A. 可以母乳喂养 B. 不可以母乳喂养 C. 婴儿接受免疫后可以母乳喂养 D. 产妇接受免疫后可以母乳喂养 E. 婴儿和产妇同时接受免疫后可以母乳喂养 [单选题] 导致原发性肾病综合征疗效不佳的原因是( )
A.感染 B.肾功能不全 C.心功能不全 D.动脉粥样硬化 E.肺炎 [填空题]发展个性是教育的理想,进行个性教育是教育的()和真谛。
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