Elizabeth was fortunate to be born in
the lull flush of Renaissance enthusiasm for education. Women had always been
educated of course, for had not St. Paul said that women were men’s equals in
the possession of a soul But to the old idea that they should be trained in
Christian manners and thought was now added a new purpose: to quicken the spirit
and train them in the craft and eloquence of the classical authors of Greece and
Rome. Critics were not wanting, morbidly obsessed with the weaknesses of the
sex-- its love of novelty and inborn tendency to vice -- to think women
dangerous enough without adding to their subtlety and forwardness; but they were
not able to stem the tide. Henry VII’s mother was one of the first to indicate the new trend. She knew enough French to translate "The Mirror of God f A. they thought women clever and educated enough already. B. they were afraid of clever women and thought they would be badly-behaved. C. women thought they would get bored with education and want to enjoy themselves. D. women were afraid they would not benefit from a good education. [简答题] Most doctors are too optimistic in predicting how long dying patients have to live, and this has a (47)______ effect on the care they receive in their final days.
A study by scientists at the University of Chicago Medical Center in Illinois showed that of the survival estimates for 486 terminally ill patients given by 343 doctors, only 20 percent were (48)______.
Sixty-three percent of the predictions (49)______ the time patients had left, and in some cases doctors predicted patients had five times longer to live than proved to be the case.
"Doctors are inaccurate in their prognoses (预测性诊断) for terminally ill patients and the error is systematically optimistic," Professor Nicholas Christakis and Dr Elizabeth Lamont said in a report in The British Medical Journal.
The researchers added that doctors who knew their patients best were more (50)______ to get it wrong.
" Although some error is (51)______, the type of systematic bias toward optimism that we ha
[填空题]列车分部运行时,单班单司机值乘的货物列车由列车调度员指派车站胜任人员协助做好遗留车辆的( )工作。
[单选题]西点中常见的巧克力制品有无味巧克力、牛奶巧克力、白巧克力和( )等。
A.多色巧克力 B.黑巧克力 C.迷你巧克力 D.三色巧克力 [单项选择]针对规模小、成长性高、不确定性大、信息不对称严重的初创型企业采用()。
A. 创业融资 B. 升值融资 C. 扩大规模融资 D. 产业转型融资 [单选题]为平衡列车在曲线运行时产生的( ),需要在曲线段将外轨抬高,使车体内倾。
A.向心力 B.离心力 C.向心速度 D.离心速度 [单项选择]一个好的平面广告设计往往离不开图形的创意表现,好的图形创意不仅能够完美地表现设计主题,同时还对设计主题起到了锦上添花的作用,而作为图形本身所具有的创意和视觉形式上也具有()的意义。
A. 相对独立 B. 相互结合 C. 相对特立 D. 相互融合 [单选题]电气化铁路任何人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等须与牵引供电设备高压带电部分保持2m以上的 。
A.长度 B.距离 C.位置 D.高度 [填空题]县级动物疫病预防控制机构接到高致病性禽流感疫情报告后,应当立即派出()以上高致病性禽流感现场诊断专家到现场调查核实。
[单选题]邓小平在( )闭幕会上作题为《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》的讲话。
A.党的十一大 B.1978年 l2月的中央工作会议 C.十一届三中全会 D.党的十二大 [判断题]员工个人驾驶非本单位车辆上下班以及乘坐公交、火车、飞机等公共交通工具发生的人身伤亡属人身事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直埋敷设的电力电缆,埋深不得小于700mm,电缆的上下应各填不少于()的细沙。
A. 70mm B.80mm C.90mm D.100mm [单选题]水位观测使用的水尺面宽不宜小于( )cm。
A.5 B.8 C.10 D.12 [单选题]请示报告制度是我们党的一项重要( ),是执行民主集中制的有效工作机制。
A.政治纪律 B.组织纪律 C.工作纪律 D.以上全部选项 [多选题]甲公司签发一张100万元的商业汇票给乙公司,乙公司在背书转让给丙公司的同时在票据的正面记载“不得转让”字样,丁公司从丙公司手中盗取该票据并伪造丙公司的签章将其背书转让给了戊公司,戊公司将其背书转让给了庚公司,并注明只转让票据金额的60%,庚公司在向银行提示付款时被拒绝,则下列说法中错误的有()。
A.乙公司不得在票据正面记载“不得转让”字样 B.银行拒绝付款的做法正确,因为该票据实质不连续 C.银行拒绝付款的做法正确,因为部分背书票据无效 D.因乙公司在票据上记载了“不得转让”字样,因此任何票据当事人均不能对其行使追索权 [单选题]企业的( )是执行营销计划,服务市场购买者的职能部门。
A.财务部门 B.设计部门 C.营销部门 D.配送部门 [填空题]针对不同的传输介质,Ethernet网卡提供了相应的接口,其中适用于细缆的网卡应提供 【6】 接口。
A.只能向一个方向进行的反应 B.两个方向同时进行的反应 C.不能反应 [单项选择]下列关于防静电活动地板的描述,哪项是错误的。()
A. 缆线敷设和拆除均简单、方便,能适应线路增减变化。 B. 地板下空间大,电缆容量和条数多,路由自由短接,节省电缆费用 C. 布线价格便宜,且不会影响房屋的净高 D. 不改变建筑结构,即可以实现灵活 [判断题]昼间降弓手信号显示方式---左臂垂直高举,右臂前伸并上下重复摇动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列选项中,属于火灾报警控制器的报警信息内容要素的有( )。
A.信息类别 B.火灾现场情况 C.设备编码 D.回路号 E.信息发生的时间 [单选题]上消化道出血最常见的病因是
A.肝硬化 B.胰腺癌 C.胃癌 D.消化性溃疡 E.食管癌 [简答题]双联火道焦炉的主要特点是什么?
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