{{B}}Mother Nature Shows Her Strength{{/B}} Tornadoes (龙卷风) and heavy thunderstorms moved across the Great Lakes and into Trumbull County on Saturday evening. The storms were dramatic and dangerous. George Snyder was driving the fire truck down Route 88 when he first noticed that a funnel (漏斗状的) cloud was behind him. "I stopped the truck and watched the funnel cloud. It was about 100 feet off the ground and I saw it go up and down for a while. It was moving toward Bradley Road and then suddenly it disappeared." Snyder said. Snyder only saw one of the funnel clouds that passed through northeastern Ohio on Saturday. In Trumbull County, a tornado turned trees onto their sides. Some trees fell on [单选题]《电网工程建设预算编制与计算规定(2018 年版)》的内容中不包括( )。
A.建设预算费用性质划分; B.建设预算编制办法; C.工程结算编制办法; D.建设预算项目划分 [判断题]接入网LT/OLT维修项目及周期中,双备份设备板卡的倒换功能测试,测试前先做好数据备份。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live
It’’s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves
【51】 reality, of course, it was naive to 【52】 that everyone would let 【53】 of such a potent potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have 【54】 vials. 【55】 the last" official" stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, 【56】 no obvious gain.
Now American researchers have 【57】 an animal model of the human disease, opening the 【58】 for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So once again there’’s a good reason to 【59】 the virus—just in 【60】 the disease puts in a reappearance.
How do we 【61】 with the mistrus
A. Difficult B. Hard C. Safe D. Simple [单项选择]汽车行驶中,发动机突然过热,冷却水沸腾,此时应()。
A. 立即使发动机熄火,加适量冷却水 B. 使发动机继续怠速运转5min,之后熄火加冷却水 C. 将汽车停于阴凉处,使其自然降温或加水降温 D. 脱挡滑行,使其降温 [单项选择]
Passage Two A. Family violence. B. The Great Depression. C. Her father’s disloyalty. D. Her mother’s bad temper. [单选题]根据《长沙穗城轨道交通有限公司乘客服务事务处理管理办法》服务督导员事务处理流程, 车务部接到服务督导员信息后,于( )内提出拟办意见分送相关责任单位调查处理。
A.1个工作日 B.3个工作日 C.3日 D.1日 [单选题]某工地,一民工张某正在开搅拌机,开了半小时后,他发现地坑内砂石较多,于是将搅拌机料斗提升到顶,自己拿铁锹去地坑挖砂石,此时料斗突然落下,将张某砸成重伤。请判断下列事故原因分析的对错。
A.未切断电源 B.将料斗提升后未用铁链锁住 C.作业前未进行料斗提升试验 D.离合器、制动器失灵未检查 [单选题]监察官应当严格按照规定的权限和程序履行职责,坚持民主集中制,重大事项( )。
A.集体研究 B.主任决定 C.书记决定 [单选题](共用题干)女,16 岁。被倒塌的房屋压伤后腹痛伴呕吐 1 小时。查体:P140 次/分,R26 次/
分,BP80/54mmHg。神志清,痛苦面容,腹肌紧张,有压痛和反跳痛,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音消失。若行急症手 术,原则应首先探查 A.空肠和回肠 B.肝脏和脾脏 C.结肠和直肠 D.胃和大网膜 E.十二指肠和胰腺 [单项选择]下述麻醉药苏醒由快到慢顺序排列,正确的是()
A. 普尔安>安泰酮>甲己炔巴比妥>硫喷妥钠 B. 普尔安>安泰酮>硫喷妥钠>甲己炔巴比妥 C. 硫喷妥钠>普尔安>甲己炔巴比妥>安泰酮 D. 甲己炔巴比妥>普尔安>硫喷妥钠>安泰酮 E. 安泰酮>硫喷妥钠>普尔安>甲己炔巴比妥 [多选题]水文地质补充调查包含哪些内容( )。
A.地貌地质情况 B.地表水体情况 C.井泉情况 D.周边矿井情况 E.以上都是 F.略 G.略 H.略 我来回答: 提交