46) A "scientific’ view of language was dominant among philosophers and linguists who affected to develop a scientific analysis of human thought and behavior in the early part of this century. Under the force of this view, it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action, it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action) to the status of being wholly condemned. 47) If people are regarded only as machines guided by logic as they were by these "scientific" thinkers, rhetoric is likely to be held in low regard., for the most obvious truth about rhetoric is that it speaks to the whole person. It presents its arguments first to the person as a rational being, because persuasive discourse, if honestly conceived, always has a basis in reasoning. Logical argu
How the Body Keeps the Same Temperature{{/B}} The temperature of your body should be always just the same, no matter whether the weather is hot or cold. That is why the doctor uses his thermometer when you are sick. When you are well, your temperature is ninety-eight and six tenths degrees. If he finds it {{U}} (51) {{/U}} than that, it is a sure sign that something is wrong. The body keeps the same temperature all the time, because it balances (平衡) the heat it produces and {{U}} (52) {{/U}} off. It is always burning up food and producing heat. It can produce heat faster when it needs to or give off heat faster when it becomes too warm. Let’s see {{U}} (53) {{/U}} this happens. The heat of your body is given off chiefly throu A. wear B. feel C. dress D. sweat [填空题]客车上的灭火器应按产品规定期限进行定期检查并涂打()标记。
A.左眼视野全盲,右眼视野正常 B. 左眼直接对光反射消失,右眼间接对光反射消失 C. 左侧瞳孔散大,直接、间接对光反射均消失 D.右眼瞳孔正常,直接对光反射存在,间接对光反射消失 E.左眼直接对光反射消失,间接对光反射存在 [多选题]电缆剥切、导体连接、绝缘及应力处理、密封防水保护层处理、相间和相对地距离应符合(____)要求。
A.施工工艺 B.设计 C.运行规程 D.投资 [不定项选择题]A.血清胆红素≥85μmol/L
A.血清胆红素≤171μmol/L B.血清胆红素≤205μmol/L C.血清胆红素>257μmol/L D.血清胆红素>342μmol/L E.发生胆红素脑病时 [判断题]企业发生有害物大量外泄事故或火灾事故现场应设警戒线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交