Economists believe that investors are
rational, and that stock prices are therefore unpredictable. It sounds peculiar,
but the logic is ironclad. Rational investors would take into account everything they know when buying or selling stock — all the information available about where profits, interest rates, technology and so on are going. So stock prices would reflect all available knowledge, and would change only when new information came in. And new information is, by definition, unpredictable, which means that changes in stock prices would be unpredictable, too. But investors, being human, are driven by fear, greed and the madness of crowds. In principle this should create patterns in stock prices, and in principle you can use those patterns to outperform the market. But while it may be very hard to tell, whether the A. investors are not always rational B. stock price reflects all available knowledge C. a rational investor should be good in prediction of the market D. because new information is unprediction it is hard for investors to be rational [单选题]( )对报告重大事故隐患或者举报安全生产违法行为的有功人员,给予奖励。
A.县级以上各级人民政府 B.政府有关部门 C.县级以上各级人民政府及其有关部门 D.安全生产监督管理部门 [单项选择]假神的病机是( )。
A. 痰火扰心 B. 痰气凝结,阻蔽心神 C. 痰迷心窍,肝风内动 D. 正气已伤,病情严重,预后不好 E. 阴阳格拒,阴不敛阳,阳气欲脱 [单选题]用万用表的R×1 Q挡测控制极与阴极间的电阻,正反向阻值为数十欧姆,说明晶闸管()。
A.损坏 B.破损 C.正常 D.击穿 [判断题]进入受限空间作业,监护人应对作业人员所带的工具、材料须进行登记,禁止与作业无关的人员和物品工具进入受限空间。进出受限空间须填写《受限空间作业进出记录》。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]
在带电的电压互感器二次回路上工作时,应注意事项包括(____)。 A. 严防二次接地或相间短路 B. 防止继电保护不正确动作 C. 严防由二次向一次反充电 D. 接临时负载时,必须设置专用刀闸及熔断器 [判断题]火灾扑救时不能轻信报警信息,灭火时必须对着火区域和充烟房间进行人员搜索,搜索的重点部位是卧室、卫生间、阳台以及衣橱、床下、窗口等,燃烧废弃物堆积较多的要逐步清理搜索。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]塔机顶升作业,必须使()和平衡状态。
A. 配重臂 B. 起重臂 C. 配重 D. 小车 [单选题]列车运行时,减速手信号在夜间的显示方式为:黄色灯光;无黄色灯光时,用( )灯光下压数次。
A.白色 B.绿色 C.白色或绿色 D.黄色 我来回答: 提交