What’s the right activity for
me Whoever you are, there’s an activity for you. And just as getting fitter doesn’t have to mean pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance, you don’t have to be technically brilliant at a particular sport to derive pleasure and health benefits from it. Some people hold back from getting fit because they feel self-conscious about their ability or body and want to find an activity they can do on their own, but organized classes and sports clubs can provide you with support and motivation, as well as a chance to make new friends. If you’re interested in football, hocke A. people who are beginners of swimming B. local residents who live downtown C. swimmers of years of experience D. athletes who want to improve their techniques [单项选择]
TV Commercials and Print Ads Despite the fact that advertisers spend $ 44 billion on the major television networks and cable TV advertising, a new study show that consumers think print ads more entertaining and less offensive than television commercials. They study, conducted by Video Storyboard Tests in New York, showed that more consumers considered prints ads "artistic" and "enjoyable". The 2,000 consumers surveyed blasted TV ads compared to their print counterparts: 34 percent of respondents thought print ads were artistic, compared with 15 percent for television ads; 35 per cent thought print ads were enjoyable, compared to 13 percent for television; and, most surprising, 33 percent of consumers felt print ads were entertaining, compared to only 18 percent for TV ads. Much of the artistic impact and positive reaction to print ads comes from the illustrations used. The illustration is primary in creating the mood for a print ad A. More consumers would prefer TV ads to print ads. B. More consumers would prefer print ads to TV. C. Both TV ads and print ads should have their fans. D. Print ads should get the credit they deserve [单选题]根据《收费公路管理条例》规定:在收费公路上行驶的车辆不得( )。发现车辆超载时,收费公路经营管理者应当及时报公安机关依法予以处理。
A.停车 B.超速 C.违章 D.超载 [单选题]用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装官兵,强化历史使命、理想信念、( )、社会主义荣辱观以及公安边防精神教育,永葆听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战的政治本色。
A.军人核心价值观 B.观苦奋斗 C.革命英雄主义 D.战斗精神 [单项选择]关于货币经纪公司的业务说法正确的有( )。
A. 为境内外非金融类企业提供贷款服务 B. 从事融资租赁业务 C. 不得从事任何金融产品的自营业务 D. 以最大限度保全资产、减少损失为经营目标 [多选题] 经济基础、政治上层建筑、思想上层建筑的关系是( )
A.政治上层建筑和思想上层建筑都是对经济基础的反映 B.思想上层建筑反映经济基础,又反映政治上层建筑 C.政治上层建筑和思想上层建筑对经济基础都有反作用 D.政治上层建筑是在一定意识形态指导下建立起来的 [判断题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,作业现场的照明,应保证足够的亮度,可不配有应急照明。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]四芯电缆中,中性芯主要是流通不平衡电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在计算机应用软件中VFP数据库中浏览数据表的命令是()。
A. BROWS B. SET C. USE D. APPEND [单选题]立管暗装时,管道安装完毕应及时进行()试验,试验合格后进行隐蔽工程检查,通过此项验收应配合土建填堵管槽。
A.严密性 B.气压 C.水压 [单选题]患者女,58岁。消化性溃疡病史5年,近3个月来出现持续腹痛,经6周内科治疗症状无明显缓解,伴体重下降,粪便潜血试验持续阳性。最可能的诊断是
A.消化性溃疡慢性穿孔 B.溃疡活动期 C.溃疡消化道出血 D.顽固性溃疡 E.消化性溃疡癌变 [单选题]某工地有6台塔吊.4台施工升降机投入使用,按照福建省住建厅《福建省建筑起重机械安全管理导则(试行)》规定,该工程施工总承包企业现场应配备( )满足工程需要的机械员,负责建筑起重机械安全管理。
A.1名机电技术员 B.2名机电技术员 C.1名机械员 D.2名机械员 [单项选择]“凡跌打损伤之证,而有恶血留内者,则不分何经,皆以肝为主”。其中“恶血”是指()
A. 内脏出血 B. 毛细血管出血 C. 静脉出血 D. 动脉血 E. 离经之血 [单选题]1.112 根据GB7258-2017,未设置乘客站立区的客车的核定乘坐人数应小于等于_______人。
A.36 B.40 C.45 D.56 [判断题]带有卡索板的吊钩,卡索板作用是封住吊钩口防止吊索脱钩。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]前房积脓性虹膜炎.口腔粘膜溃疡及外生殖器溃疡为毕夏病的三大主症.
A. 电脑运行慢 B. 电脑黑屏 C. 网络费用高 D. 设备掉线 [单选题]尖轨尖端与基本轨或可动心轨尖端与翼轨间隙大于()时,应及时修理或更换。《修规》第3.9.7条
A.1mm B.2mm C.0.5mm D.1.5mm [多选题]继电保护、配电自动化装置、安全自动装置及自动化监控系统()前,应通知运维人员和有关人员,并指派专人到现场监视后,方可进行。
A.做传动试验 B.一次通电 C.进行直流系统功能试验 D.校验 [单项选择]下列不属于施工项目成本考核依据的是( )。
A. 以施工合同为考核前提 B. 以真实可靠的施工项目成本核算资料为考核的基础 C. 以施工项目成本计划为考核依据 D. 以项目成本岗位责任为评价标准 [判断题]扑救高层建筑火灾,必须充分利用固定消防设施,立体部署战斗力量,灵活运用战术,以取得灭火战斗行动的主动权。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交