最可能的诊断是() It is an astonishing fact that there
are laws of nature, rules that summarize conveniently- (1)
qualitatively but quantitatively-how the world works. We might
(2) a universe in which there are no such laws, in which the
1080 elementary particles that (3) a universe like our own
behave with utter and uncompromising abandon. To understand such a universe we
would need a brain (4) as massive as the universe. It
seems (5) that such a universe could have life and
intelligence, because being and brains (6) some degree of
internal stability and order. But (7) in a much more random
universe there were such beings with an intelligence much (8)
than our own, there could not be much knowledge, passion or joy. (9) for us, we live in a universe that has at least important parts that are know A. at least B. at most C. at last D. at the cost [多选题]对劳动关系的正确表述是( )
A.劳动关系是劳动法所调整的唯一过程 B.劳动关系发生的原因是为了实现劳动的过程 C.劳动关系是劳动法所调整的最基本、最主要的一种关系 D.劳动关系是用人单位在运用劳动者的劳动能力,实现劳动过程中所发生的关系 E.劳动关系是劳动者为用人单位进行了有偿职业劳动活动之后发生的关系 [判断题]锅炉使用单位应当约请具有相应能力的化学清洗单位,按照相关国家标准的要求进行化学清洗。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘安全用具必须进行绝缘试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大气对流层中臭氧浓度的增加,可吸收地球表面反射回宇宙的红外辐射,使地球气温升高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采用紧缩型战略容易是企业自身陷入小季经营状态,职工士气低落,由此恶性循环而加剧企业经营的困难。
[单选题]5G教培实验室的5G网络虚拟化功能平台网管主要提供( )、账号配置、业务统计等功能。
A.网络业务办理 B.教学管理 C.网元参数配置 D.课程资源运营 [单选题]临床上常用于治疗婴儿惊厥和妊娠呕吐的维生素是
A.维生素PP B.维生素B12 C.维生素B2 D.维生素B1 E.维生素B6 [多项选择]下列情形中,应当从重处罚的是()。
A. 共同犯罪中的主犯 B. 累犯 C. 教唆未满18周岁的人犯罪的教唆犯 D. 危害国家安全犯罪的罪犯 [多项选择]影响用户链路AP设备时可能由()造成。
A. 散射 B. 衍射 C. 折射 D. 反射 我来回答: 提交