Smoking, which may be a pleasure for
some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical
authorities express their (31) about the effect of smoking on
the health not only (32) those who smoke but also of those
who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted
by the tobacco smoke may (33) more than the smokers
themselves. As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have (34) an effort to (35) the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. (36) , I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by (37) on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than (38) regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for sh A. make B. persuade C. cause D. tell [填空题]LAA20063风电场要做到消防组织健全,消防责任制落实,消防器材、设施完好,保管存放消防器材符合( )要求并定期检验,风电机内应配备消防器材。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列行政案件可以适用调解处理的是()。
A. 甲怀恨张某,花了2000元钱让刘某把张某打伤 B. 乙与陈某因为土地纠纷,纠集一伙人与陈某的家人及亲属打斗 C. 丙与江某因为债务纠纷,多次打伤江某、损毁江某家的财物 D. 丁因与邻居吵架,将邻居家房门(价值400元)砸坏 [单选题]对蛛网膜下腔出血病因诊断最具有意义的检查是
A.CT B.B、MRI C.C、DSA D.D、脑脊液检查 E.E、TCD [单选题]大肠杆菌的DNA在迸行复制吋,是以
A.单向迸行的 B.不对称方式迸行的 C.双向迸行的 D.任意方向迸行的 [单项选择]追问病史,患者3周前曾到非洲,3个月前曾有类似发作。应立即进行的检查是()
A. 血涂片 B. 血培养 C. 肥达反应 D. 骨髓培养 E. B超 [多项选择]实事求是思想路线的根本体现是
A. 尊重事实 B. 尊重群众 C. 尊重实践 D. 尊重人才 [单项选择]要从被登录设备终止一个会话可以用()指令
A. ping B. disconnect C. undo connect D. show sessions [判断题]应收账款周转天数=(平均应收账款X360) ÷销售收入,其中,“平均应收账款”为 扣除坏账准备后应收账款净额。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交