Methods | Notes |
| * The volume (容量) of the provided measuring cup is about 0.18kg. * Wash the rice in a separate bowl, then put it into the inner(里面的)pot. |
* Adjust the water volume according to your own choice. * Adjust the water level on a level place * Smooth the rice surface. * Wipe the outside of the inner pot dry [判断题]保险公司的声誉风险是指由于代理人故意隐瞒或欺骗而引发的风险,主要表现为代理人在未经授权的情况下展业和代理人展业过程中进行隐瞒或欺诈等活动。
A. 湿砂期 B. 粥样期 C. 胶粘期 D. 面团期 E. 橡皮期 [单项选择]日常医疗活动中用过的一次性帽子、口罩、防护服、鞋套等应投入以下哪种颜色的垃圾袋()
A. 黄色垃圾袋 B. 黑色垃圾袋 C. 红色垃圾袋 D. 以上都可 E. 以上都不可 [判断题] ( )PSA旋塞调节阀,主要调节吸附塔升降压的速度和冲洗气源的放出速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]On our first day’s driving on the Scottish island of Mull, my husband and I came to a stretch of water that we had to cross on a small ferry boat. The ferryman asked if we would (21) waiting ten minutes while he transported a family of cows (22) the water to their summer pasture. This (23) with the cows stuck in my mind as a (24) of Mull, a place far removed from the hurried confusion of city life.
For, travelers in (25) of a quiet, peaceful place, there can be few better ends. We (26) the island to be a charming mix of mountains, castles and sandy beaches. One of the best days of our trip was (27) we joined a nature tour of the island, and had the (28) fortune to see a (29) of rare creatures, including red deer and golden eagles. But no visit to Mull is (30) without a trip to the small island of Iona. Iona has great historical (31) because it is the place where early Scottish k A. considerable B. complicated C. concrete D. complete [单项选择]现金清查中,无法查明原因的长款,应记入( )账户核算。
A. 其他应付款 B. 其他应收款 C. 管理费用 D. 营业外收入 [单项选择]吴某,女性,1个月来经常咳嗽,咳白色黏痰,平素喜食辛辣之品,近3天来,突发寒战,高热,呼吸气促,胸痛,咳嗽,吐黄色浊痰,稍有腥味,口干咽燥,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑数。本病例的病机为()
A. 热毒蕴肺,热壅血瘀,蕴酿成痈 B. 表寒入里,化热伤肺,肺失清肃 C. 热壅血瘀,血败肉腐,痈肿内溃 D. 风热伤肺,肺失清肃 E. 痰热郁肺,肺不宣降 [多选题] 党员领导干部违反有关规定组织、参加自发成立的老乡会、校友会、战友会等,给予 、 或者撤销党内职务处分。( )
A.警告 B.严重警告 C.通报批评 D.开除党籍 我来回答: 提交