During the early period of the earth’s history, the weather on earth apparently fluctuated between bright sun and showers. In recent times, however, the mountains and valleys on land and under water have had a great influence on the earth’s weather. They effect the movements of the thin film of water we call the sea and the thin layer of air around the earth. These movements produce changes in the temperature and humidity prevailing at the surface.
Although the sun is approximately 93 million miles away, its rays warm the earth. The areas that receive the sun’s rays vertically are, naturally, warmer than those areas that receive only slanting rays. (61)Vertical rays do not need to make as long a journey through the atmosphere before reaching the surface of the earth. Therefore, less of their heat is lost in the air and more of their heat is saved to warm the earth. Furthermore, slanting rays are spread over available at a given point.
For many years, unemployment in the United States was lower than in Western Europe, a fact often cited by people who argued that the flexibility inherent in the American system—it is easier to both hire and fire workers than in many European countries—produced more jobs.
That is no longer the case. The current economic crisis has turned the case for the U.S. model almost entirely on its head.
In March, the American unemployment rate stood at 8.5 percent, the same as the average rate for the first 15 members of the European Union. In April, the rate in the United States rose to 8.9 percent. When the European figures are compiled, it seems likely that the American rate will be higher for the first time since Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency, began publishing unemployment rates in 1993 for the entire European Union and for three countries outside the union, the United States, Japan and Turkey.
For men, the unemployment rate
A. Because the economy was more developed in the United States than in Western Europe.
B. Because it’s easier to employ workers in the United States.
C. Because the flexible American system generated more job opportunities.
D. Because America put more effort into creating new jobs.
Traditionally, the study of history has
had fixed boundaries and focal points—perious, countries, dramatic events, and
great leaders. It has also had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure:
how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents one’s
findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof. Anyone who has followed recent historical literature, can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjetcs come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely analytic. The old questions "What happened" and "How did it happen" have given way to the question "Why did it happen" Prominent among the methods used to answ A. producing a one-sided picture of an individual’s personality and motivation B. uncovering alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusions C. offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality on historical events D. recognizing connections between a government’s political actions and the aspirations of government leaders [判断题]凡以快速班列、快运货物班列车次开行的列车一律按基本运行图图定时分统计列车出发、运行正晚点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]航路上应当设置的设备是( )。
A.导航设备 B.导航、通信设备 C.通信、导航、气象设备 D.导航、通信、气象和地面监视设备 [单选题]“是何楚人之多也!”正确的意义是
A.什么时候楚人一下子这么多 B.楚人很多 C.怎么楚人这么多 D.正是楚人最多的时候 我来回答: 提交