A variety of significant, attractive short-term
benefits will drive the development of modern self-sufficient homes. These
include security from severe weather, climate changes, and natural disasters;
security from infectious diseases and related health problems; a fresh and
nutritious diet; a dependable food supply; and security from global unrest.
But the real benefit of Earth Homes will be the long-term sustainability of our planet. It should be no secret that the planet is experiencing unusual weather and climate abnormalities. The 10 hottest years in recorded history have all been in the last 15 years; the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. The Midwestern heat wave of 1995 killed 669 people in Chicago. In 1996, we had a season of record heat spells, and 1997 was the single warmest year on record—until 1998 shattered A. based on short-term benefits B. based on the long-term sustainability C. free from severe weather, climate changes, natural disasters, etc D. fresh and nutritious, free from global unrest [单选题]某新建的电解食盐厂房与重要公共建筑之间的防火间距( )。
A.不应小于30m B.不宜小于30m C.不应小于50m D.不宜小于50m [单选题]基坑支护设计应规定其设计使用期限。基坑支护的设计使用期限不应小于( )。
A.一年 B.二年 C.三年 D.五年 [判断题]人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]跖跗关节脱位整复后固定的时间是()。
A. 1~2周 B. 2~3周 C. 3~4周 D. 4~5周 E. 5~6周 [填空题]城市轨道交通车辆辅助供电网络一般分为 、 和 三种电压等级。
A.上移; B.不变; C.下移; D.变化不定。 [单选题]培训效果的信息收集,是指企业在培训活动开始后对整个培训过程进行的总结和( )。
A.评估 B.反馈 C.反应 D.评价 [单选题]认购公司型基金的投资人是基金公司的()。
A.债权人 B.收益人 C.股东 D.委托人 [单选题]违约损失率的计算公式是( )。
A.LGD=1-回收率 B.LGD=1-回收率/2 C.LGD=1-回收率/3 D.LGD=1-回收率/4 [多选题]TYJL-II型计算机联锁系统联锁机备机有以下工作状态()
A.A、脱机 B.B、联机 C.C、联机同步 [单选题]重氮化废气中氮氧化物是指()。
A.二氧化氮 B.一氧化氮 C.一氧化二氮 [判断题] 判断题缆索吊机系统施工塔架顶部应设置可靠的避雷装置;人员上下塔架应配备符合要求的电梯或爬梯,不得徒手攀爬。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变电站计算机监控系统的同期功能只能由()来实现。
A.远方调度 B.站控层 C.间隔层 D.设备层 [判断题]强化底线思维,狠抓重点领域风险防范,及时有效化解投资、债务、金融业务、境外经营等领域风险,坚决守住不发生重大风险的底线。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交