Cotton was not exported to Europe until
the eighth century A. D.. It was brought to Spain then by the Moors of North
Africa. The Europeans liked this textile and began to make cotton cloth. By the
fifteenth century, the cotton industry had spread from Spain to central Europe
and the Low Countries. When Columbus arrived in the West Indies, he found the Indians wearing cotton clothes. Pizarro, the Spanish conqueror of Peru, found that the Incas were growing cotton for use in the making of clothes. Magellan found the Brazilians swinging in cotton hammocks. And Cortes was so impressed by the beauty the cotton tapestries and rugs that the Aztecs made, that he sent some of them as presents to King Charles Ⅱ of Spain. The Chinese were the first people to make silk clothing, and, for more than 2000 years, they were the only A. Two Justinian Monks. B. Two courtiers of Constantinople. C. Two Persian Monks. D. Two Egyptian Priests. [判断题]室外消火栓应沿着道路布置,宽度超过 60 米的道路,为避免水带穿越道路影响交通或被车辆轧压,宜将消火栓在道路两侧布置,为方便使用,十字路口应设有消火栓。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]聚乙烯绝缘型电力电缆主要适用于低、中、高电压等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《楚辞》的代表作家出来屈原之外,还有( )。
A.扬雄 B.宋玉 C. 司马 D.相如 E.景差 F.唐勒 G.王勃 [单选题]市场对资源配置的调节作用是通过市场机制来实现的。市场机制的核心是( )。.
A.价格机制 B.供求机制 C.竞争机制 D.利率机制 [单项选择]下列关于M、N工作之间的顺序关系的表述,正确的是( )。
A. N工作在M工作结束后隔一段时间才开始,则M、N工作为紧连顺序关系 B. M工作结束,N工作马上开始,则M、N工作为紧连顺序关系 C. N工作只有M工作结束后方可开始,中间不能插入其他工作,则M工作为N工作的紧后工作 D. M工作完成以后N工作才能开始,中间不能插入其他工作,则N工作为M工作的紧前工作 [多项选择]下列属于脑瘫病因的是( )
A. 母亲妊娠早期病毒感染 B. 遗传代谢病 C. 生产过程造成胎儿脑缺氧 D. 21三体综合征 E. 母亲妊娠高血压 [简答题]在处理医嘱时应该注意什么?
A.48,20 B.72,12 C.48,16 D.72,20 [多项选择]实际上,居住消费本身包含众多的消费环节,可归纳的基本消费支出包括( )。
A. 购房消费支出 B. 购车消费支出 C. 使用过程中的水、电、气、暖等方面的长期消费支出 D. 家庭装饰装修、家具家电等消费支出 E. 房屋大、中修及设施设备改造以及物业管理消费支出 [单选题]关于盾构施工条件验收,以下选项中,不属于必须提前组织条件验收的是()。
A.盾构始发和接收 B.盾构下穿重要建构(筑)物 C.盾构下穿高风险地表水域 D.盾构穿越硬岩地层 [单项选择]属α受体阻滞剂的药物是().
A. 降压灵 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 哌唑嗪 D. 硝苯地平 E. 硝普钠 [多选题]空气弹簧有( )作用。
A.改善乘坐舒适性 B.改善列车过曲线的性能 C.缓和车体的横向振动 D.缓和车体的纵向振动 E.缓和车体的垂向振动 [填空题] Man cannot continue 【26】 his numbers at the present rate. In the 【27】 thirty years man will face a period of crisis. 【28】 experts believe that there will be a widespread food 【29】 Other experts think this is 【30】 pessimistic, and that man can keep things 【31】 worse than they are now. But 【32】 that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now.
One thing that man can do is to limit 【33】 of babies born. The need 【34】 this is obvious, but it is 【35】 to achieve. People have to 【36】 to limit their families. In the countries of the population 【37】 ,many people like big families. The parents think that this 【38】 a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look 【39】 them in old age.
Several governments have 【40】 birth control policies in recent years. 【41】 them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some 【42】 the results have not been 【43】 . Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control poli
A. A.for C.of D.about [单选题]根据《保密管理制度》,保密信息载体不包括( )。
A.带有签字的文件 B.U盘 C.储存卡 D.相片 我来回答: 提交