The biggest problem facing Chile as it
promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at
the end of the earth. It is too far south to be a convenient stop on the way to
anywhere else and is much farther than a relatively cheap holiday’s flight away
form the big tourist markets, unlike Mexico, for example. Chile, therefore, is
having to fight hard to attract tourists, to convince travelers that it is worth
coming halfway round the world to visit. But it is succeeding; not only in
existing markets like the USA and Western Europe but in new territories, in
particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being
forgotten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile still come from its nearest
neighbor, Argentian, where the cost of living is much higher. Like all South
Amedcan A. is ambitious and unrealistic. B. politically sensitive. C. will bring harm to culture. D. well cause pollution in the area [单选题]CRH2型动车组在空车时端梁下端至轨面的高度差左右倾斜应﹤( )。[211010101]
A.25 mm B.20 mm C.15 mm D.10 mm [判断题]夹具误差一般只是影响被加工零件的位置精度,而不影响它的尺寸精度。
A.UN包装规格标记 B.例外数量包装标记 C.限制数量包装标记 D.以上都对 [单选题]下列选项中,营业机构和专门受理部门可以冻结的是______。
A.金融机构存款准备金和备付金 B.商业汇票保证金 C.社会保险基金 D.个人结算账户 [简答题]简答企业法人治理结构的内容。
[填空题]按绘画的画面形式不同分类,可分为:( )、( )、( )、( )、( ) ( )等。
A.运行监控信号、灯光指示、运行数据等均应正常 B.各部位无渗油、漏油 C.套管油位正常,套管外部无破损裂纹、无严重油污、无放电痕迹,防污闪涂料无起皮、脱落等异常现象 D.变压器外壳、铁心和夹件接地良好 [单项选择]与味觉异常无关的因素是()
A. 锌及维生素A缺乏 B. 念珠菌感染 C. 铁缺乏 D. 病毒感染 E. 唾液量不足 [多选题]低压电气工作前,应用低压验电器或测电笔检验( )是否有电。
A.检修设备 B.金属外壳 C.相邻设备 D.所有可能来电的各端 [单项选择]生产经营活动在谁的行政管辖范围内,即由谁负责管理其安全生产活动,这叫()管理原则。
A. 直辖 B. 属地 C. 垂直 D. 直接 [单项选择]下面的函数模板定义中错误的是______ 。
A. template<class Q > QF (Q {return Q +x;} B. template<class Q > QF (Q {returnx/x;} C. template <class T > T F(T {return x*x;} D. template <class T> bool F (T {return x>1;} [单选题]TCAS自测试可以在___ 上进行
A. EFIS控制面板 B. ATC/TCAS控制面板 C. TCAS计算机 D. ATC/TCAS控制面板或TCAS计算机 [单项选择]范某,初秋患痢,证见下痢,赤多白少,高热,腹痛较甚,里急后重,口渴饮冷,舌红苔黄,脉滑数治疗方剂最宜()
A. 芍药汤 B. 葛根芩连汤 C. 连理汤 D. 胃苓汤 E. 白头翁汤 [单项选择]Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains two domains. All servers run WindowsServer 2008. All domain controllers are configured as DNS Servers. You have a standard primary zone for that is stored on a member server. You need to ensure that all domain controllers can resolve names from the zone. What should you do()
A. On the member server, create a stub zone. B. On the memeber server, create a NS record for each domain controller. C. On one domain controller, create a conditional forwarder. Configure the conditional forwarder to replicate to all DNS servers in the forest. D. On one domain controller, create a conditional forwarder. Configure the conditional forwarder to replicate to all DNS servers in the domain. [单选题]客车车辆中公务车的标记是( )。
A.XL B.YZ C.YW D.GW [单选题] 甲欲杀害乙,自感力不从心,就极力要求朋友丙一起去。丙则劝阻甲不要杀害乙,甲不听劝阻。丙遂打电话报案,公安民警火速赶到,将正在赶赴乙家途中的甲抓获。甲的行为属于( )。
A.犯罪预备 B.犯罪中止 C.犯罪未遂 D.犯罪既遂 [填空题]施工、维修、故障处理完毕,设备已恢复正常使用时,销记内容应有“××作业(××故障处理)完毕,( )”的字句。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]hCG的化学性质是
A. 蛋白质 B. 糖蛋白 C. 胺类 D. 肽类 [单选题]列车在区间隧道发生火灾时,由()通知车站启动相应火灾模式命令。
A.行调 B.行值 C.司机 D.环调 [单选题]企业的最高管理者应对保护企业员工的安全与健康负( )。
A.全面责任 B.部分责任 C.直接责任 [单项选择]下列哪个选项属于确定国际法主体资格的条件?()。
A. 具有固定的居民 B. 有确定的领土 C. 有直接承受国际法上权利和义务的能力 D. 有普遍管辖权 [单选题]侧柱纵裂纹长度不大于50mm或横裂纹未延及铆钉孔时( )。
A.截换 B. 补强 C. 更换 D. 焊修 [单选题]本站办理区间装卸作业的货运手续,货车于13:00到达本站,15:00再由小运转列车发往区间,16:30装卸作业完了,并于16:45由邻站通过,本站统计( )货物作业时间。
A.1h30min B.1h45min C.3h45min D.3h30min [单选题]某投资者共购买了三种股票
A、B股票相对于某个指数而言的β系数为1.2和0.9。如果要使该股票组合的β系数为1,则C股票的β系数应为( )。
A.0.91 B.0.92 C.1.02 D.1.22 [判断题]热电偶的测量范围比热电阻大,所以测量精度比热电阻高。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]组织结构中最早也是最简单的组织形式是()
A. 职能制 B. 直线制 C. 直线职能制 D. 模拟分权制 我来回答: 提交