The first true piece of sports
equipment that man invented was the ball. In ancient Egypt, as everywhere,
pitching (投掷) stones was a favorite children’s game. But a badly thrown rock
could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians
made what were probably the first balls. At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held together by vines (藤). Later they were made of pieces of animal skin sewed together and stuffed (塞满) with feathers or hay. A. throwing stones often caused injuries B. throwing stones was not fun C. games with stones did not have rules D. rocks were too heavy to throw [多选题]施工区域出清包括哪些内容()
A.所有作业有关人员已撤离 B.设备、设施已恢复正常 C.工器具、物料已撤走 D.妨碍行车和设备安全的因素已解除 [多项选择]结核病的基因诊断技术包括()
A. PCR B. BACTEC460 C. DNA探针 D. 高效液相色谱 E. 16SrRNA基因序列测定 [单选题]钢丝绳安全系数越大越合理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]感温火灾探测器是对警戒范围中的温度进行检测的一种探测器,其中火灾现场环境温度达到预计值以上,即能响应的感温探测器是()。 ( )
A.定温火灾探测器 B.变温火灾探测器 C.差温火灾探测器 D.差定温火灾探测器 [单选题]未被激活电子制动阀的自动制动手柄需用销子将其锁定在重联位,以免误动作触发紧急制动,单独制动手柄应置于()位。
A.全制动 B.紧急制动 C.运转 D.重联 [单项选择]In this passage, the sentence "actions speak louder than words" means ______.
A. what you do is more important than what you say B. what you say is more important than what you do C. what you say influences your children more than what you do D. what you do influences your children more than what you say [填空题]5G极享“三千兆”融合套餐合约期内变更为其他非5G极享“三千兆”融合套餐,需缴纳的违约金计算公式:______________。
[多选题]对平面结构:螺栓的穿入方向应符合下列规定( ) 。
A... 顺线路方向,按线路方向穿入或按统一方向穿入; B... 横线路方向,两侧由内向外,中间由左向右(按线路方向)或按统一方向穿入; C... 垂直地面方向者由上向下; D... 斜向者宜由斜下向斜上穿,不便时应在同一斜面内取统一方向; E... 个别螺栓不易安装时,穿入方向允许变更处理。 [单项选择]属于鼻腔的部分是:()
A. 鼻根 B. 鼻梁 C. 鼻前庭 D. 鼻翼 E. 鼻底 [简答题]BC006一般三角刮刀有3个长弧刀刃和2条长的凹槽。
[多选题]自动化仪表调校室应避开( )的地方。
A.振动大 B.灰尘多 C.阳光直射 D.噪声大 E.强磁场 [单项选择]
王女士夫妇今年均为35岁,两人打算55岁退休,预计生活至85岁,王女士夫妇预计在55岁时的年支出为10万元,现在家庭储蓄为10万元。假设通货膨胀率保持3%不变,退休前,王女士家庭的投资收益率为8%,退休后,王女士家庭的投资收益率为3%。 A. 54626.41 B. 54662.41 C. 54666.41 D. 55371.41 我来回答: 提交