A hundred years ago it was assumed and
scientifically "proved" by economists that the laws of society make it necessary
to have a vast army of poor and jobless people in order to keep the economy
going. today, hardly anybody would dare to voice the principle. It is generally
accepted that nobody should be excluded from the wealth of the nation, either by
the law of nature or by those of society. The opinions are outdated, which were
current a hundred years ago, that the poor owed their conditions to their
ignorance, lack of responsibility. In all western industrialized countries, a
system of insurance has been introduced which guarantees everyone a minimum of
subsistence in case of unemployment, sickness and old age. I would go one step
further and argue that, even if these conditions are not present, in other
words, one can claim this substance minimum with A. doubt B. fact C. strong argument D. wrong belief [简答题]我公司车间和作业场所的噪声标准为_(1)_dB。(阿拉伯数字)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]补偿导线可穿管敷设或敷设在线槽内,当环境温度超过( )时应使用耐高温补偿导线。
A.65℃ B.85℃ C.50℃ [单项选择]研究人员准备在某城市开展氟化饮水的试点研究,该城市的饮水氟浓度为0.3mg/L。
饮水加氟的优点不包括 A. 有效防龋,对恒牙的防龋效果好于乳牙 B. 饮水氟化费用低 C. 具有公共卫生特征 D. 可以在任何地区开展 E. 因龋治疗费用减少 [单选题]接触网静态检测中半年检测1次的项目有( )(1分)
A.自动过分相地面磁感应装置 B.非绝缘锚段关节 C.中心锚结 D.上网电连接 [单选题]沥青火灾是()火灾。
A.A.类 B.B.类 C.C.类 D.D.类 [单选题]对于中相导线的等电位作业工况,还需考虑模拟人蹲坐于导线上,头顶与上横担形成()的情况。
A.棒板电极 B.放电通道 C.空气间隙 D.距离 [单选题]筛板塔与浮阀塔相比较,筛板塔塔板效率( )浮阀塔。
A.稍高于 B.稍低于 C.远高于 D.远低于 [多项选择]以下属于时间序列分析法的有()。
A. 简单平均法 B. 相关分析法 C. 移动平均法 D. 专家意见法 E. 指数平滑法 [单项选择]下列哪一个选项不属于公安机关内部工作运转秩序( )
A. 接受报警与求助 B. 入警程序 C. 警容风纪 D. 日常行政管理 [多选题]《集管办法》规定:批量零散货物入箱运输,办理站承运时必须严格执行逐箱开箱检查、拍照规定,防止箱内( )。
A.货物装载不良 B.匿报品名 C.夹带危险货物 D.多批货物 [判断题]民警进入黑暗的建筑物内,可用电筒照射墙壁、屋顶等处,可最大程度地观察周边的环境。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]监督区是需要对职业照射条件进行( )的区域。
A.监督 B.引导 C.评价 D.调控 E.设置 [单项选择]使用硅整流发电机的汽车停车时,应将()。
A. 火线拆下 B. 点火开关关闭 C. 发电机拆下 D. 皮带拆下 [判断题]列车开车前,采用微机控制制动系统的机车,应核对制动机设定的列车种类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to be thin. They are led to believe that the only way they can be accepted and fit in, is if they are thin. They resort to starving, vomiting and eating only diet foods to try and be thin. Television is a big influence on them. They watch shows like Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place and feel they need to look as thin as the actresses on these shows. Society is brainwashing young people into believing that being thin is important and necessary.
Diet commercials are constantly appearing on our television screens telling us that once we lose the weight, we will be happy. While your standing in the check out line at the grocery store you are surrounded by magazines claiming to have the newest and best diet. Each month another new diet appears claiming to be the diet to end all diets. Whatever happened to last month’s diets that claimed the same thing Dieting has become an obsession in North America. We spend billions of dollars each year tryin A. Fashion shows. B. Two famous places in America. C. Popular TV shows. D. Two TV channels. [单选题]配电线路绝缘线绝缘层损伤深度在绝缘层厚度的10%及以上时应进行绝缘修补。可用绝缘自黏带缠绕,每圈绝缘自黏带间搭压带宽的(____),修补后绝缘自黏带的厚度应大于绝缘层损伤厚度。
A.44198 B.44199 C.44200 D.44201 [单选题]遇有恶劣天气时,列车长及时组织( )会议,做好分工,掌握列车情况。
A.三乘 B.班组 C.骨干 D.餐车 [单选题]1.46 转向失控后,若机动车偏离直线行驶方向,应怎样使机动车尽快减速停车?
A.轻踏制动踏板 B.拉紧驻车制动器操纵杆 C.迅速抢挡减速 D.连续踩踏、放松制动踏板 [多选题]下列关于枪(炮)阵地转移要求及注意事项的表述中,正确的是()。
A.观察建筑结构的变化情况,发现险情,立即向消防员直接下达撤退或转移阵地的命令,以免造成伤亡事故。 B.易燃建筑区火灾,极易出现飞火,引起新的火点,或因风向突变,急需转移阵地。 C.转移阵地不能在堆垛、轻质屋顶、遮阳棚、雨搭上、卧式压力储罐的两端设置。 D.进入闷顶时,应处于水枪射流能够覆盖的空间内,转移阵地不应距入口较远,便于随时撤离。 E.转移阵地可以在堆垛、轻质屋顶、遮阳棚、雨搭上、卧式压力储罐的两端设置。 我来回答: 提交