We come in different colors: red,
black, white, yellow and brown, have a variety of political systems, social
systems, religious views or none at all; we are different intellectually, have
different educational systems, different socio-economic classes; psychologically
we are normal, abnormal, neurotic, psychotic, we speak different languages, and
have different customs and costumes. Studying human beings biologically and physiologically leads us to very different conclusions about how alike or different we are from each other. Very different indeed, every human being on the planet, all 5.3 billion of us, has the same number of bones, of the same type, serving the same purposes; each of us has 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent, and these chromosomes, genes and the DNA and RNA of which they are integr A. Every One Is Created Equal B. Culture And Civilization C. Human Differences D. Cultural Differences [多选题]以下属于红线禁令的是()。
A. 危险性较大的作业未按规定配置安全防护装备、个体防护装备和应急救援装备。 B. 未明确和落实各组织、各岗位安全生产职责,未按规定编制、发布、修订各组织、各岗位安全责任清单。 C. 未组织制定并实施本单位安全生产教育和培训计划,未建立安全生产教育和培训档案。 D. 约时停、送电;带电作业应停用重合闸(直流线路再启动功能)而未停用重合闸(直流线路再启动功能),或约时停用或恢复重合闸(直流线路再启动功能)。 [单项选择]在第二次世界大战期间,德国纳粹和日本军国主义者强行用战俘、妇女、儿童和犹太人做医学试验。这一行为正确的伦理判断是()
A. 该研究是为了增进医学对人体的了解 B. 该研究是当时战争时期的特殊需要 C. 参加试验的医学工作者也是迫于无奈,不得已而为之 D. 该行为违背了医学科研的根本目的 E. 该行为虽然偏离了医学科研的正确方向,但也为医学研究积累了一定的经验 [单选题]事后监督收到( )的会计凭证,检查封锁是否完好,核对交接登记簿上的相关内容,无误后在“事后监督凭证交接登记簿”上签收;若核对有误,及时与营业机构联系,查明原因。
A.封包 B.锁包 C.密封 D.装订 [多选题]综合重合闸投“综合重合闸”方式时的动作行为()。
A.A-任何类型故障跳三相重合三相,重合不成跳三相 B.B-单相故障跳单相、重合单相、重合不成跳三相 C.C-相间故障跳三相重合三相、重合不成跳三相 D.D-相间故障跳三相,不重合 我来回答: 提交