It has become a cliche among doctors
who deal with AIDS that the only way to stop the epidemic is to develop a
vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes it. Unfortunately, there is no sign
of such a thing becoming available soon. The best hope was withdrawn from trials
just over a year ago amid fears that it might actually be making things worse.
As a result, vaccine researchers have mostly gone back to the drawing board of
basic research. Meanwhile, the virus marches on. Last year, according to UNAIDS,
the international body charged with combating it, 2.7 million people were
infected, bringing the estimated total to 33 million. Reuben Granich and his colleagues at the World Health Organization (WHO), though, have been exploring an alternative approach. Instead of a vaccine, they wonder, as they write in The Lancet, A. It is conventionally believed to be the only way to cure HIV. B. It will be available to the public over several years. C. Vaccine researchers are still marching on for their best hope. D. Vaccination tries to treat the infected. [多选题]春秋时期各诸侯国相互进行兼并战争,先后称霸的有齐桓公、( ),史称“春秋五霸”。
A.宋襄公 B.晋文公 C.秦穆公 D.楚庄王 [单选题](1分)在楼板和结构上打孔或在规定地点以外安装起重滑车或堆放重物等,应事先经过本单位有关( )的审核许可。规定放置重物及安装滑车的地点应标以明显的标记(标出界限和荷重限度)。
A.设备运维部门 B.安监部门 C.技术部门 D.分管领导 [单项选择]防爆开关大盖的接合面允许的最大间隙为()mm。
A. 0.4 B. 0.3 C. 0.5 D. 0.6 [单选题]CA6140型车床三相交流电源通过电源开关引入端子板,并分别接到接触器KM1上和熔断器FU1,从接触器KM1出来后接到热继电器( )上。
A.FR1 B.FR2 C.FR3 D.FR4 [单项选择]腹痛较剧,痛如针刺,痛处固定属于()
A. 虚痛 B. 气滞痛 C. 寒痛 D. 热痛 E. 血瘀痛 [单选题]遇有降雾、暴风雨(雪)、扬沙等恶劣天气影响瞭望时,应( )线上作业和上道检查,必须作业时,应采取特殊安全措施,保证来车之前按规定的距离及时下道。
A.停止 B.继续 C.申请 D.必须 [单项选择]Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.For a sixteen-year-old, how much does a ticket cost for the 4:15 p.m. showing of Go for the Gold on Wednesday A. $2.00. B. $2.50. C. $4.50. D. $6.00. [单选题]关于吡喹酮药理作用的错误叙述是( )
A.对各类绦虫均有效 B.抑制Ca2+进入虫体,使虫体肌肉产生松弛性麻痹 C.对血吸虫的成虫有强大杀灭作用 D.能促进血吸虫“肝移” E.对血吸虫的童虫也有作用 [单项选择]缺铁性贫血红细胞的MCV及RDW的变化是()
A. RDW正常,MCV正常 B. RDW正常,MCV升高 C. RDW正常,MCV降低 D. RDW升高.MCV降低 E. RDW升高,MCV升高 [简答题]A、B两公司都要借入1000万美元,他们面临的利率是:
A. 低于爆炸下限 B. 高于爆炸上限 C. 在爆炸极限范围内 [判断题]一个空的数据结构有可能是线性结构,也有可能是非线性结构,这要根据具体情况来确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]符合下列情况之一时,应为一级负荷。【】
A.中断供电将影响较重要的用电单位正常工作、造成铁路运输秩序严重混乱。 B.中断供电将在经济上造成重大损失。 C.中断供电将在经济上造成较大损失。 D.中断供电将在经济上造成轻微损失。 [单项选择]水准测量要求视线离地面一定的高度,可以减弱( )的影响。
A. i角误差 B. 标尺零点差 C. 大气垂直折光 D. 仪器下沉误差 [单选题]经互感器接入电能表的装拆、现场校验工作,应有防止电流互感器二次侧( )、电压互感器二次侧短路和防止相间短路、相对地短路、电弧灼伤的措施。
A.开路 B.短路 C.接地 D.过载 [单项选择]Tom went out to play with his homework ______.
A. done B. to do C. doing D. being done [单项选择]下列关于要约生效时间的表述正确的是( )
A. 要约人寄出要约时 B. 受要约人理解要约内容时 C. 要约到达受要约人时 D. 受要约人对要约内容准备答复时 [单选题](B737ng)主注意和警告灯位于:
A.P8 B.P7 C.P1 D.P2 我来回答: 提交