分时操作系统追求的目标是()2003年到2007年我国农产品生产价格指数 (上年=100) | ||||
指标 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
农产品生产价格指数 | 113.1 | 101.4 | 101.2 | 118.49 |
种植业产品 | 115.9 | 101.6 | 104.5 | 109.82 |
谷物 | 128.1 | 99.2 | 102.1 | 108.95 |
#小麦 | 131.2 | 96.4 | 100.1 | 105.50 |
稻谷 | 136.3 | 101.6 | 102.0 | 105.43 |
玉米 | 116.9 | 98.0 | 103.0 | 115.04 |
大豆 | 120.2 | 94.2 | 99.3 | 124.17 |
油料 | 1 A. 2003年到2007年,我国水果生产价格不断上升 B. 2007年我国蔬菜生产价格涨幅相对上一年下降了 C. 2007年我国猪的生产价格的增长大于羊的生产价格的增长 D. 2006年淡水鱼类生产价格低于2004年的生产价格 [单选题]胸腔闭式引流管如自胸壁伤口脱出,正确的处理是 ( )
A.捏紧导管 B.更换引流导管 C.捏紧胸壁穿刺处皮肤 D.将引流管立即重新插入 E.立即缝合胸壁穿刺处 [判断题]高压配电(含相关场所及二次系统)营销工作,与邻近带电高压线路或设备的距离大于表6-1规定,不需要将高压线路、设备停电或做安全措施者,应填用配电第二种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项是错误的()。
A. 抗-HEVIgM阳性,诊断为HEV近期感染 B. HBsAg和HDVAg均呈阳性,诊断为HBV及HDV联合感染 C. HCV-RNA阳性,诊断为HCV现症感染 D. 单项抗-HBc阳性,诊断为HBV现症感染 E. 抗-HAVIgM阳性胗断为HAV近期感染 [多选题]光伏组件安装作业时,当()或()时,不得连接或断开组件。
A.组件有电流 B.组件接地良好 C.组件绝缘良好 D.组件未工作 E.组件具有外部电源 F.组件处于关闭状态 [单项选择]A well-established distinction in memory theory is that between short-term and long-term memory. The former refers to our ability to do such things as remember telephone numbers long enough to dial them; the latter concerns the wide range of ways in which experiences can affect behavior many years later. Given the two different kinds of ability, it is reasonable to hypothesize that each is represented differently in the brain. An experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that long-term memory implies a chemical change in the brain cells while short-term memory involves patterns of impulses in circuits of nerve cells.
One group of rats were taught to run through a maze. Five minutes after learning the task, they were cooled to 5 ℃, the temperature at which all electrical activity in the brain ceases. They were then kept at this temperature for 15 minutes before being allowed to return to their normal temperature. They were then run through the maze, again. A second gr A. The difference between short-term memory and long-term memory. B. The experiments of two groups of rats. C. The temperature for rats to lose their memory. D. The importance of memory. [单选题]作战训练安全严禁擅离职守。严禁()不跟班作业,严禁现场指挥员脱离指挥位置,严禁安全员(助理)、驾驶员、通信员擅离岗位,严禁设置的紧急救助小组擅自承担其它作战任务。
A.训练组织者 B.队站主官 C.队站干部 D.安全员 [单选题]单选题:依据《安全生产法》的规定,生产经营单位必须依法参加(),为从业人员缴纳保险费。
A.工伤保险 B.养老保险 C.医疗保险 D.失业保险 [判断题]试验电源可随意在电源空气开关上搭接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项关于政府补助的表述中,不正确的是( )。
A.政府补助可以是货币性资产,也可以是非货币性资产 B.政府补助通常附有一定的条件 C.政府以所有者身份向企业投入资本属于政府补助 D.增值税出口退税不属于政府补助 [多项选择]套利交易的特点有()。
A. 风险较小 B. 成本较低 C. 收益大 D. 交易时间短 我来回答: 提交