For the first time in history,
evolution has taken a backseat. There is an ongoing realization that human
beings are capable of directly shaping their own evolution. As we case into the
twenty-first century, we realize that genetic engineering is undoubtedly going
to have a dramatic {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on our lives. It seems that with
genetic engineering, science has moved from {{U}} (68) {{/U}} the natural
world to redesigning it. Now we must ask ourselves {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} this influence will be for better or for worse. However, scientists
remain {{U}} (70) {{/U}} in their opinions. Some have {{U}} (71)
{{/U}} against the hazards of genetic engineering, {{U}} (72) {{/U}}
others have dismissed these perils as inconsequential. Lewis Wolpert, professor
of biology at University College London, says, "There are no ethical
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} bec A. principles B. issues C. causes D. themes [判断题]颅内压与体温高低有关,体温每降低1℃,颅内压下降5.5%~6.7%。()
A. 推论 B. 感觉 C. 直觉 D. 线性 [多项选择]根据土的波速测试成果,可计算出下列()项参数。()
A. 动阻尼比 B. 动泊松比 C. 动弹性模量 D. 地基刚度系数 [名词解释]劳动成本
A.铁路局军代处 B.铁路局运输部门 C.铁路局财务部门 D.车站 [单项选择]根据国家质检总局公告规定,自2007年9月1日起,对出口食品加施检验检疫标志。下列表述不正确的是()。
A. 检验合格的食品必须加施检验检疫标志 B. 加施检验检疫标志的出口食品,口岸检验检疫机构不再查验 C. 这是保证我国出口食品安全,维护我国出口食品声誉的重要举措 D. 这一措施有利于打击食品非法出口行为 我来回答: 提交