An abbreviation (缩写词) can be defined as a shortened form of a word or term.
Abbreviations are an attempt to communicate information fast and accurately. But this goal is not always achieved. To many people, particularly to those new to a field, reports and papers sometimes seem to be written in a telegraphic style with abbreviations so interspersed (夹杂) as to make the message almost meaningless. Owing to the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of abbreviations and the diverse definitions of abbreviations among subject areas, it is common practice in most scholarly publications to include in an appendix (目录) at the end of the book a list of the abbreviations used. Another method is to explain the abbreviation to the reader the first time it appears.
Librarians, like everyone else, tend to use abbreviations to save space and time and to eliminate the necessity of repeating words or phrases that are long and complicated. In the library and i
How Men Face the Fat Problem It is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight. Listening to them is not such a pleasure. Because the men are new at the game, they don’t hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessantly. However, women of the same age do not discuss the fat problem, especially not in mixed company. They prefer to face the problem with quiet dignity. Discussing the problem might only draw attention to some stray body part that may be successfully tucked away under an article of clothing. The age at which a man begins to explore the fat problem can vary. The actual problem can manifest itself in the early 30’s, but broad-range discussion usually starts later. There are ea [单项选择] Questions 17-20 are based on the following monologue introducing the "Clovis first" theory. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17-20.What is the alternative route of entry
A. The land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. B. Western Canada. C. Wales Island D. The Pacific coast. [多选题]生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全生产保障的(),并应当依法履行安全生产方面的()。
A.责任 B.权力 C.权利 D.规定 E.义务 [单选题] "门禁系统的报警状态信息上传到车站监控软件时间不超过( )秒。
A.0.5 B.1 C.2 D.3" [填空题]下面程序是用来打印九九乘法表的,请补充完整。
Dim i As Integer,j As Integer,Strl$
Strl=" "
For i=1 To 9
Forj=1 To 9
If 【 】 Then
Strl=Strl + Str$(j)+"X"+Str$(i)+"="+Str$(Val(i * j))
Strl=Strl & Chr(13)
【 】
End If
Next j
Next i
Print Str
[单项选择]某行政单位某年人员经费支出59.4万元,公用经费支出39.6万元,经常性支出80万元,则该单位人员经费占总支出的比重为( )。
A. 49.5% B. 49.67% C. 55.31% D. 60% [多选题]当汽轮机发生水冲击时通常出现( )等情况。
A.新蒸汽温度急剧下降 B.转速急剧升高 C.推力轴瓦温度急剧升高 D.汽缸结合面冒白汽 [单选题]申请人在考试过程中有贿赂、舞弊行为的,取消考试资格,已经通过的考试科目成绩无效,且( )年内不得再次申请。 《驾驶人员资格许可》
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单项选择]患儿男,5岁。反复发生肺炎,每年2~3次。平时乏力,活动后气促。胸骨左缘第2肋间可闻及连续性机械样杂音,伴震颤,经超声心动图证实为先天性心脏病,动脉导管未闭。此患儿系动脉导管未闭,其血流动力学的改变最主要为()
A. 肺循环血流量增加,左心室舒张期负荷加重 B. 肺循环血流量增加,右心室收缩期负荷加重 C. 肺循环血流量增加,左心室收缩期负荷加重 D. 肺循环血流量增加,右心室舒张期负荷加重 E. 肺循环血流量增加,左心室、左心房和主动脉血流量减少 [不定项选择]基金管理公司从事多客户特定客户资产管理业务,应当向符合以下()条件的特定客户销售资产管理计划。
A. 委托投资单个资产管理计划初始金额不低于100万元人民币 B. 能够识别、判断和承担相应投资风险的自然人、法人 C. 委托投资单个资产管理计划初始金额不低于200万元人民币 D. 能够识别、判断和承担相应投资风险的、依法成立的组织或中国证监会认可的其他特定客户 [单选题]异步电动机在正常运转时,转子磁场在空间的转速为( )。
A.转子转速 B.同步转速 C.转差率与转子转速的乘积 D.转差率与同步转速的乘积。 [简答题]实施差异化战略的基本要求是什么?
A. 劳动部 B. 当地建设行政主管部门 C. 当地劳动行政主管部门 D. 当地人民政府 [单选题]PAPI包括一排()个与跑道垂直的灯,发红、白两种颜色的光。
A.6 B.5 C.4 D.3 [单项选择]茵陈蒿汤主治病证的病机是()
A. 湿热外感 B. 湿热流注 C. 寒湿困脾 D. 湿热郁蒸 E. 湿浊内阻 我来回答: 提交